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Greenskeepers in New Hartfd, NY

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1 result found

Dallas Jones New Hartfd, NY

Professions & Specialties

Lawn Care WorkerGreenskeeperGrounds CaretakerGroundskeeping Worker

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#D393115  Jul 17, 1990

Filed: Nov 23, 1988

Dallas W. Jones (New Hartford, NY)
Lauren J. Young (Poland, NY)
Matthew F. Orr (Shawnee Mission, KS)
7/275560 Trim-A-Lawn Corporation (Utica, NY)
U.S. Classification: D15 17
Lawn mower housing or the like
The ornamental design for a lawn mower housing or the like, as shown and described.

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