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Greenskeepers in North Tarrytown, NY

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1 result found

Jason Dean North Tarrytown, NY

Professions & Specialties

Lawn Care WorkerGreenskeeperGrounds CaretakerGroundskeeping Worker

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#7107132  Sep 12, 2006

Filed: Mar 27, 2003

Jason A. Dean (Tarrytown, NY)
10/401266 Dean Technologies, Inc. (Roslyn, NY)
International Classification: G05D 1/00U.S. Classification: 701 23, 701 25, 31856812, 318587, 900 1, 56 101 A, 56DIG 7
Programmable lawn mower
A robotic apparatus for traversing a selected area autonomously that senses orientation relative to ...

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Greenskeepers in New York
