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Grounds Caretakers in McDonough, GA

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23 results found

Fielder Glass McDonough, GA

Professions & Specialties

Lawn Care WorkerGreenskeeperGrounds CaretakerGroundskeeping WorkerSales Representative

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#6405513  Jun 18, 2002

Filed: Jun 2, 2000

Frank H. Hancock (Jackson, GA)
Steven D. Smyly (Griffin, GA)
Lucius Levon Cole (College Park, GA)
Fielder Fields Glass (McDonough, GA)
James R. Powers (Conyers, GA)
Stephen C. Price (Barnesville, GA)
09/586368 Snapper, Inc. (Atlanta, GA)
International Classification: A01D 6900U.S. Classification: 56 108
Method and apparatus for restricting grass cutting of a lawn mower in reverse
A lockout feature for preventing a lawn mower from going into reverse unless the lawn mower blade...
What is claimed is: 1. A lawn mower apparatus capable of cutting grass or other vegetation, said...

Fielder Glass McDonough, GA

Professions & Specialties

Lawn Care WorkerGreenskeeperGrounds CaretakerGroundskeeping WorkerSales Representative

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#6591594  Jul 15, 2003

Filed: Mar 6, 2002

Frank H. Hancock (Jackson, GA)
Steven D. Smyly (Griffin, GA)
Lucius Levon Cole (College Park, GA)
Fielder Fields Glass (McDonough, GA)
James R. Powers (Conyers, GA)
Stephen C. Price (Barnesville, GA)
10/092938 Snapper, Inc. (McDonough, GA)
International Classification: A01D 6900U.S. Classification: 56 108
Method and apparatus for restricting grass cutting of a lawn mower in reverse
A lock out feature for preventing a lawn mower from going into reverse unless the lawn mower blade...
What is claimed is: 1. A method of providing a lawn mower apparatus capable of cutting grass or...

Richard Rhinehart McDonough, GA

Professions & Specialties

Lawn Care WorkerGreenskeeperGrounds CaretakerGroundskeeping Worker

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#4248034  Feb 3, 1981

Filed: Sep 24, 1979

Harold P. Jackson (McDonough, GA)
Richard W. Rhinehart (McDonough, GA)
6/078502 McDonough Power Equipment, Division of Fuqua Industries, Inc. (McDonough, GA)
International Classification: A01D 6700U.S. Classification: 56 172
Adjustable axle support system for lawn mower
An adjustable axle support system for a lawn mower for supporting the whe and blade housing at a...

Harold Jackson McDonough, GA

Professions & Specialties

Lawn Care WorkerGreenskeeperGrounds CaretakerGroundskeeping Worker

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#4248034  Feb 3, 1981

Filed: Sep 24, 1979

Harold P. Jackson (McDonough, GA)
Richard W. Rhinehart (McDonough, GA)
6/078502 McDonough Power Equipment, Division of Fuqua Industries, Inc. (McDonough, GA)
International Classification: A01D 6700U.S. Classification: 56 172
Adjustable axle support system for lawn mower
An adjustable axle support system for a lawn mower for supporting the whe and blade housing at a...

Harold Jackson McDonough, GA

Professions & Specialties

Lawn Care WorkerGreenskeeperGrounds CaretakerGroundskeeping Worker

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#4189903  Feb 26, 1980

Filed: Jun 23, 1978

Harold P. Jackson (McDonough, GA)
Richard W. Rhinehart (McDonough, GA)
5/918608 McDonough Power Equipment, Division of Fuqua Industries, Inc. (McDonough, GA)
International Classification: A01D 5518U.S. Classification: 56255
Rotary lawn mower with removable mulching attachment
A rotary lawn mower apparatus including a mower housing and an annular muing liner attachment...

John Wilde McDonough, GA

Professions & Specialties

Lawn Care WorkerGreenskeeperGrounds CaretakerGroundskeeping Worker

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5526635  Jun 18, 1996

Filed: Mar 7, 1995

John Wilde (McDonough, GA)
8/400044 Snapper, Inc. (McDonough, GA)
International Classification: A01D 3476U.S. Classification: 56 11300
Lawn mower including improved blade clutch and brake features
A lawn mower including a cutting blade brake and clutch which discourages blade engagement after a ...

Harold Jackson McDonough, GA

Professions & Specialties

Lawn Care WorkerGreenskeeperGrounds CaretakerGroundskeeping Worker

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#D254008  Jan 22, 1980

Filed: Aug 10, 1978

Harold P. Jackson (McDonough, GA)
5/932752 McDonough Power Equipment Division of Fuqua Industries, Inc. (McDonough, GA)
International Classification: D1503U.S. Classification: D15 17
Blade housing for a lawn mower
The ornamental design for a blade housing for a lawn mower, substantially shown and described.

Frank Hancock McDonough, GA

Professions & Specialties

Lawn Care WorkerGreenskeeperGrounds CaretakerGroundskeeping Worker

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5488818  Feb 6, 1996

Filed: Jun 28, 1993

James R. Powers (Conyers, GA)
John W. Wilder (McDonough, GA)
Frank H. Hancock (McDonough, GA)
8/084031 The Actava Group Inc. (Atlanta, GA)
International Classification: A01D 3468U.S. Classification: 56 114
Lawn mower having improved trim feature
A lawn mower is provided having improved steering controls, namely a "trim" feature which may be...

Frank Hancoc McDonough, GA

Professions & Specialties

Lawn Care WorkerGreenskeeperGrounds CaretakerGroundskeeping Worker

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5488818  Feb 6, 1996

Filed: Jun 28, 1993

James R. Powers (Conyers, GA)
John W. Wilder (McDonough, GA)
Frank Hancoc (McDonough, GA)
8/084031 The Actava Group Inc. (Atlanta, GA)
International Classification: A01D 3468U.S. Classification: 56 114
Lawn mower having improved trim feature
A lawn mower is provided having improved steering controls, namely a "trim" feature which may be...

Frank Hancoc McDonough, GA

Professions & Specialties

Lawn Care WorkerGreenskeeperGrounds CaretakerGroundskeeping Worker

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5511367  Apr 30, 1996

Filed: Aug 1, 1994

James R. Powers (Conyers, GA)
John W. Wilder (McDonough, GA)
Frank Hancoc (McDonough, GA)
Amos G. Hill (McDonough, GA)
8/283710 The Actava Group, Inc. (McDonough, GA)
International Classification: A01D 3468U.S. Classification: 56 112
Lawn mower having additinal improved trim featuure
A lawn mower is provided having improved steering controls, namely a "trim" feature which may be...

Amos Hill McDonough, GA

Professions & Specialties

Lawn Care WorkerGreenskeeperGrounds CaretakerGroundskeeping Worker

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5511367  Apr 30, 1996

Filed: Aug 1, 1994

James R. Powers (Conyers, GA)
John W. Wilder (McDonough, GA)
Frank H. Hancock (McDonough, GA)
Amos G. Hill (McDonough, GA)
8/283710 The Actava Group, Inc. (McDonough, GA)
International Classification: A01D 3468U.S. Classification: 56 112
Lawn mower having additinal improved trim featuure
A lawn mower is provided having improved steering controls, namely a "trim" feature which may be...

John Wilder McDonough, GA

Professions & Specialties

Lawn Care WorkerGreenskeeperGrounds CaretakerGroundskeeping Worker

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5511367  Apr 30, 1996

Filed: Aug 1, 1994

James R. Powers (Conyers, GA)
John W. Wilder (McDonough, GA)
Frank H. Hancock (McDonough, GA)
Amos G. Hill (McDonough, GA)
8/283710 The Actava Group, Inc. (McDonough, GA)
International Classification: A01D 3468U.S. Classification: 56 112
Lawn mower having additinal improved trim featuure
A lawn mower is provided having improved steering controls, namely a "trim" feature which may be...

John Wilder McDonough, GA

Professions & Specialties

Lawn Care WorkerGreenskeeperGrounds CaretakerGroundskeeping Worker

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5526635  Jun 18, 1996

Filed: Mar 7, 1995

John W. Wilder (McDonough, GA)
8/400044 Snapper, Inc. (McDonough, GA)
International Classification: A01D 3476U.S. Classification: 56 11300
Lawn mower including improved blade clutch and brake features
A lawn mower including a cutting blade brake and clutch which discourages blade engagement after a ...

John Wilder McDonough, GA

Professions & Specialties

Lawn Care WorkerGreenskeeperGrounds CaretakerGroundskeeping Worker

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5488818  Feb 6, 1996

Filed: Jun 28, 1993

James R. Powers (Conyers, GA)
John W. Wilder (McDonough, GA)
Frank H. Hancock (McDonough, GA)
8/084031 The Actava Group Inc. (Atlanta, GA)
International Classification: A01D 3468U.S. Classification: 56 114
Lawn mower having improved trim feature
A lawn mower is provided having improved steering controls, namely a "trim" feature which may be...

Harold Jackson McDonough, GA

Professions & Specialties

Lawn Care WorkerGreenskeeperGrounds CaretakerGroundskeeping Worker

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#D250027  Oct 24, 1978

Filed: May 9, 1977

Harold P. Jackson (McDonough, GA)
5/795325 McDonough Power Equipment, Inc. (McDonough, GA)
International Classification: D1503U.S. Classification: D15 17
Blade housing for a lawn mower
The ornamental designs for a blade housing for a lawn mower, substantially as shown and described.

Frank Hancock McDonough, GA

Professions & Specialties

Lawn Care WorkerGreenskeeperGrounds CaretakerGroundskeeping Worker

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5511367  Apr 30, 1996

Filed: Aug 1, 1994

James R. Powers (Conyers, GA)
John W. Wilder (McDonough, GA)
Frank H. Hancock (McDonough, GA)
Amos G. Hill (McDonough, GA)
8/283710 The Actava Group, Inc. (McDonough, GA)
International Classification: A01D 3468U.S. Classification: 56 112
Lawn mower having additinal improved trim featuure
A lawn mower is provided having improved steering controls, namely a "trim" feature which may be...

Harold Jackson McDonough, GA

Professions & Specialties

Lawn Care WorkerGreenskeeperGrounds CaretakerGroundskeeping Worker

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#4300332  Nov 17, 1981

Filed: Mar 5, 1980

Harold P. Jackson (McDonough, GA)
6/127492 McDonough Power Equipment, Division of Fuqua Industries Inc. (McDonough, GA)
International Classification: A01D 6910U.S. Classification: 56 113
Safety control for riding lawn mower
In a power-driven riding lawn mower, a safety control is provided for auttically disengaging and...

Richard Rhinehart McDonough, GA

Professions & Specialties

Lawn Care WorkerGreenskeeperGrounds CaretakerGroundskeeping Worker

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#4189903  Feb 26, 1980

Filed: Jun 23, 1978

Harold P. Jackson (McDonough, GA)
Richard W. Rhinehart (McDonough, GA)
5/918608 McDonough Power Equipment, Division of Fuqua Industries, Inc. (McDonough, GA)
International Classification: A01D 5518U.S. Classification: 56255
Rotary lawn mower with removable mulching attachment
A rotary lawn mower apparatus including a mower housing and an annular muing liner attachment...

Reginald Chandler McDonough, GA

Professions & Specialties

Grounds CaretakerGroundskeeping Worker

Experience & Education


Henry county
Grounds maintenance worker


Have 6 years cleaning experience

Zane Walker McDonough, GA

Professions & Specialties

Lawn Care WorkerGreenskeeperGrounds CaretakerGroundskeeping WorkerJanitorCleaners

Experience & Education


Church of the lord jesus christ
Part-time maintenance man and janitor
Larry's lawn service
Part time - lawn maintenance worker

Harold Jackson McDonough, GA

Professions & Specialties

Lawn Care WorkerGreenskeeperGrounds CaretakerGroundskeeping WorkerCollectorRepossessorCollections Specialist

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#D251089  Feb 13, 1979

Filed: May 23, 1977

Harold P. Jackson (McDonough, GA)
5/799755 McDonough Power Equipment, Inc. (McDonough, GA)
International Classification: D1503U.S. Classification: D15 27
Grass and leaf collector for a lawn mower
The ornamental design for a grass and leaf collector for a lawn mower, substantially as shown.

Harold Jackson McDonough, GA

Professions & Specialties

Lawn Care WorkerGreenskeeperGrounds CaretakerGroundskeeping WorkerCollectorRepossessorCollections Specialist

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#D250892  Jan 23, 1979

Filed: Jun 3, 1977

Harold P. Jackson (McDonough, GA)
5/803419 McDonough Power Equipment, Inc. (McDonough, GA)
International Classification: D1503U.S. Classification: D15 27
Grass and leaf collector for a lawn mower
The ornamental design for a grass and leaf collector for a lawn mower, substantially as shown and...

Michael Towns McDonough, GA

Professions & Specialties

Lawn Care WorkerGreenskeeperGrounds CaretakerGroundskeeping WorkerStockerTeam MemberStock ClerkVolunteerManagersNon-Profit

Experience & Education


Lowes company
Pizza hut restaurant - Statesboro, GA
Team member trainer

Grounds Caretakers near McDonough, GA0612182430AtlantaConyersJacksonLithoniaHamptonGriffinMorrowPorterdaleStone MountainJonesboro

Grounds Caretakers around McDonough, GA

Atlanta  (29)
Conyers  (21)
Decatur  (1)
Fayetteville  (1)
Griffin  (5)
Hampton  (5)
Jackson  (10)
Jonesboro  (2)
Lithonia  (6)
Locust Grove  (1)
Morrow  (4)
Porterdale  (2)

Grounds Caretakers in Georgia


Greenskeeper  (22)