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Grounds Caretakers in Oak Park, GA

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Here is a complete directory of nearly every experienced Grounds Caretakers in Oak Park, GA.

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5 results found

Charles Eakins Oak Park, GA

Professions & Specialties

Lawn Care WorkerGreenskeeperGrounds CaretakerGroundskeeping Worker

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5842552  Dec 1, 1998

Filed: Dec 26, 1996

William E. Colber (McRae, GA)
Charles A. Eakins (Swainsboro, GA)
8/773138 White Consolidated Industries, Inc. (Cleveland, OH)
International Classification: F16D 1375, F16C 122U.S. Classification: 192111A
Self-adjusting drive-control cable for a lawn mower
A power-driven lawn mower including a push-pull cable having a core connecting a bail arm...

Char Eakin Oak Park, GA

Professions & Specialties

Lawn Care WorkerGreenskeeperGrounds CaretakerGroundskeeping Worker

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5842552  Dec 1, 1998

Filed: Dec 26, 1996

Will Colbe (McRae, GA)
Char Eakin (Swainsboro, GA)
8/773138 White Consolidated Industries, Inc. (Cleveland, OH)
International Classification: F16D 1375, F16C 122U.S. Classification: 192111A
Self-adjusting drive-control cable for a lawn mower
A power-driven lawn mower including a push-pull cable having a core connecting a bail arm...

Thomas Davis Oak Park, GA

Professions & Specialties

Lawn Care WorkerGreenskeeperGrounds CaretakerGroundskeeping Worker

Experience & Education


Familly and neighbors - Vidalia, GA
Lawn care worker

Todd Fagler Oak Park, GA

Professions & Specialties

Lawn Care WorkerGreenskeeperGrounds CaretakerGroundskeeping WorkerDriversTruck DriverTrucking ProfessionalMotor Transportation OperatorMotor Vehicle OperatorOwnerChief ExecutiveMeter ReaderGas Meter ReaderSales Representative

Experience & Education


S & j logging
Skidder driver
Faircloth logging - Nunez, GA
Skidder driver

Jason Carlyle Oak Park, GA

Professions & Specialties

Lawn Care WorkerGreenskeeperGrounds CaretakerGroundskeeping WorkerAssembler

Experience & Education


Milco glass company
Line operator
Keller's ladders
Window and ladder assembly


Also i like to add that i have 30 yrs in the culinary art field too, fine dining to fast food you...

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Grounds Caretakers around Oak Park, GA

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Grounds Caretakers in Georgia


Greenskeeper  (5)