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Maintenance Workers in Bartonia, IN

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1 result found

Thomas Hylton Bartonia, IN

Professions & Specialties

Maintenance WorkerElectricianMaintenance and Repair WorkerBus DriverTruck DriverTrucking ProfessionalMotor Transportation OperatorMotor Vehicle OperatorTechnicianTechnical SpecialistTechnical Support Specialists

Experience & Education


Council of rural services, union city
Bus driver
Randolph eastern school corp
Sub bus driver

Maintenance Workers near Bartonia, IN03691215MuncieRichmondEatonNew BremenBrookvilleEnglewoodArcanumMiltonLewisburgNew Madison

Maintenance Workers around Bartonia, IN

Arcanum  (1)
Brookville  (2)
Eaton  (3)
Englewood  (1)
Greenville  (1)
Lewisburg  (1)
Milton  (1)
Muncie  (13)
New Bremen  (2)
New Madison  (1)
New Paris  (1)
Phillipsburg  (1)
Richmond  (5)
Versailles  (1)

Maintenance Workers in Indiana