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Movers in Rock Island, IL

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5 results found

Glen Collison Rock Island, IL

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#8381894  Feb 26, 2013

Filed: Jul 15, 2010

Thomas Nurnberg (Port Byron, IL)
Glen Collison (Rock Island, IL)
12/836768 Kone Corporation (Helsinki)
International Classification: B66B 23/02U.S. Classification: 198330
Power transmission system for people mover
A power transmission system for a people mover includes a transmission housing, a first motor...

Caleb Surratt Rock Island, IL

Professions & Specialties

MoverDelivery Sales WorkerDeliverer

Experience & Education


Davenport furniture company
Delivery truck driver
Ashley furniture
Furniture mover

Brian Gorge Rock Island, IL

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#6394189  May 28, 2002

Filed: Jan 6, 2000

Whitney J. Moon (Davenport, IA)
Brian C. Gorge (Rock Island, IL)
09/478226 Genesis Systems Group, Ltd. (Davenport, IA)
International Classification: E21B 114U.S. Classification: 173 1, 173104, 173171, 901 21
Zero gravity robotic system and method for using same
A zero gravity robotic tool includes a robotic arm having a distal end. A motor is mounted on the...
What is claimed is: 1. In combination: a robotic arm having a distal end; a motor having a...

Dontarious Morgan Rock Island, IL

Professions & Specialties

PackerMachine OperatorIndustrial OperatorDrivers

Experience & Education


Group o
Order picker/packer
2-123rd fa -illinois army national guard
Ammunition specialist

Brian Englert Hazelwood, MO

Professions & Specialties

MoverService TechnicianMaintenance and Repair WorkerLifeguardLife GuardTeam MemberManagersOperations Manager

Experience & Education


Citimortgage, inc
Document services processor
Fry-wagner moving and storage / bridgeton service company - Earth City, MO
Mover / service technician

Movers near Rock Island, IL0481216DavenportMolineDixonMuscatineClintonPrincetonAledoAndalusiaGeneseo

Movers around Rock Island, IL

Aledo  (1)
Andalusia  (1)
Clinton  (1)
Davenport  (16)
Dixon  (2)
Geneseo  (1)
Moline  (4)
Muscatine  (2)
Princeton  (1)

Movers in Illinois