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Site Leads in Smithfield, NC

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1 result found

Henry Mccleave Smithfield, NC

Professions & Specialties

Site LeadConstruction SpecialistConstruction LaborerField EngineerSupporting MemberRepresentativeTeam Member

Experience & Education


Lockheed martin
Mechanical field engineer associate/site lead
Force protection
Field support representative for mrap vehicles

Site Leads near Smithfield, NC01632486480RaleighClaytonGoldsboroWake ForestWilsonAngierFremontZebulonApexDunn

Site Leads around Smithfield, NC

Angier  (1)
Apex  (1)
Clayton  (5)
Dunn  (1)
Fremont  (1)
Goldsboro  (5)
Raleigh  (78)
Wake Forest  (3)
Wilson  (2)
Zebulon  (1)

Site Leads in North Carolina


Site Lead  (1)
Site Manager  (6)