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Director for Housekeepings in Nixa, MO

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1 result found

Kevin Eckhoff Nixa, MO

Professions & Specialties

Housekeeping SupervisorDirector for HousekeepingHousekeeping ManagerLaborerConstruction WorkerConstruction SpecialistConstruction Laborer

Experience & Education


Hilton convention center - Branson, MO
Housekeeping supervisor
Labor ready - Joplin, MO


Supervision, Conflict Resolution, Food Service, Customer Service, Food Preparation, Inventory Work, ...

Director for Housekeepings near Nixa, MO0510152025SpringfieldBransonBuffaloBolivarMonettHollisterForsythElklandCraneGalena

Director for Housekeepings around Nixa, MO

Bolivar  (1)
Branson  (12)
Buffalo  (2)
Crane  (1)
Elkland  (1)
Forsyth  (1)
Galena  (1)
Hollister  (1)
Monett  (1)

Director for Housekeepings in Missouri


Director for Housekeeping  (1)