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Actuarial Analysts in Calhoun, LA

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1 result found

Sandra Spence Calhoun, LA

Professions & Specialties

Claim ProcessorActuarial AnalystActuarial AssociateInsurance ActuaryStatisticianSupervisorManagersCustomer ServiceClient Service Officer

Experience & Education


Insurance systems, inc
Claims supervisor
Insurance resources, inc - Monroe, LA
Claims processor and customer service

Actuarial Analysts near Calhoun, LA03691215MonroeWest MonroeEl DoradoFarmervilleRuston

Actuarial Analysts around Calhoun, LA

El Dorado  (1)
Farmerville  (1)
Monroe  (14)
Ruston  (1)
West Monroe  (3)

Actuarial Analysts in Louisiana
