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Computer Laboratory Technicians in Faison, NC

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1 result found

Crystal Wallace Faison, NC

Professions & Specialties

Computational ScientistComputer Laboratory TechnicianComputer ScientistsClient Service OfficerClerkClerical SpecialistCustomer ServiceSwitchboard OperatorAssemblerSupporting MemberCommunications Equipment OperatorTeam MemberMedical Support AssistantHealth Support WorkerHealthcare SupportRecruitment

Experience & Education


Customer service representative
Goodyear tire & rubber company - Fayetteville, NC
Scheduler clerk


Microsoft Office, Visio, Medical Billing and Coding, EZ-Payclock

Computer Laboratory Technicians near Faison, NC0510152025FayettevilleClintonWilsonSelmaGoldsboroKinstonChinquapinRoseboroKenansvilleElizabethtown

Computer Laboratory Technicians around Faison, NC

Angier  (1)
Bailey  (1)
Buies Creek  (1)
Chinquapin  (2)
Clayton  (1)
Clinton  (2)
Fayetteville  (25)
Goldsboro  (2)
Kelly  (1)
Kenansville  (1)
Kinston  (2)
Lucama  (1)
Pikeville  (1)
Richlands  (1)
Roseboro  (1)
Selma  (2)
Stantonsburg  (1)
Wilson  (2)
Zebulon  (1)

Computer Laboratory Technicians in North Carolina
