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Computers Specialists in Gill, MA

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1 result found

Philip Kostecki Gill, MA

Professions & Specialties

Personal Computer TechnicianNetwork TechnicianComputers SpecialistComputer SpecialistNetwork Administrator

Experience & Education


Town of northfield wastewater treatment plant
Chief operator
Town of northfield wastewater treatment plant
Assistant operator/part-time


CompTIA A+ Certified, CWTS Certified, MTA Certified

Computers Specialists near Gill, MA03691215KeeneHolyokeChicopeeBrattleboroAmherstLudlowGreenfieldOrangeTurners FallsWhately

Computers Specialists around Gill, MA

Amherst  (10)
Barre  (1)
Belchertown  (2)
Bondsville  (2)
Brattleboro  (11)
Chicopee  (12)
Erving  (1)
Fitzwilliam  (1)
Granby  (2)
Greenfield  (5)
Haydenville  (1)
Hinsdale  (2)
Holyoke  (12)
Keene  (13)
Leeds  (1)
Ludlow  (7)
Montague  (1)
Orange  (4)
Putney  (1)
Royalston  (2)
Sunderland  (1)
Templeton  (1)
Troy  (2)
Vernon  (1)
Walpole  (2)
Ware  (2)
Whately  (3)
Winchendon  (3)
Winchester  (2)

Computers Specialists in Massachusetts
