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HPUX Administrators in Burlington, NJ

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Here is a complete directory of nearly all local HPUX Administrators in Burlington, NJ.

The Trustoria Professional Directory gives people all the information needed to find the most qualified person for any need.

Be sure to check other states near Burlington, NJ to find contact information of more people.

1 result found

Mark Zimmermann Burlington, NJ

Professions & Specialties

Software EngineerSoftware DevelopersJava DeveloperFortran DeveloperLinux AdministratorHPUX AdministratorSolaris AdministratorOpenVMS AdministratorComputational ScientistSoftware DeveloperSystems AdministratorComputer Systems AdministratorComputer ScientistsCoordinatorManagersBachelor of Science

Experience & Education


Dod secret - Moorestown, NJ
Lead member engineering staff
Martin marietta corporation - King of Prussia, PA
Senior software programmer


Program Skills: Basis of Estimates, Statements of Work, Work Breakdown Structure, Organization...

HPUX Administrators near Burlington, NJ01326395265PhiladelphiaCherry HillMarltonChesterfield

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HPUX Administrator  (1)