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Hackers in Chapel Hill, NC

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7 results found

Simon Chu Chapel Hill, NC

Professions & Specialties

HackerComputer Security SpecialistSecurity and Investigations ProfessionalIT Security

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#2008026  Oct 23, 2008

Filed: Jul 8, 2008

Simon C. Chu (Chapel Hill, NC)
Steven W. Hunter (Raleigh, NC)
William Joseph Piazza (Holly Springs, NC)
Gregory Brian Pruett (Raleigh, NC)
12/168954 International Business Machines Corporation (Armonk, NY)
International Classification: G06F 21/00U.S. Classification: 726 23
Automatic Client Responses To Worm Or Hacker Attacks
A system in which a networked device automatically evaluates hacker attack notification information ...

Simon Chu Chapel Hill, NC

Professions & Specialties

HackerComputer Security SpecialistSecurity and Investigations ProfessionalIT Security

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#2004009  May 13, 2004

Filed: Nov 8, 2002

William Piazza (Holly Springs, NC)
Simon Chu (Chapel Hill, NC)
Gregory Pruett (Raleigh, NC)
Steven Hunter (Raleigh, NC)
10/291121 International Business Machines Corporation (Armonk, NY)
International Classification: G06F011/30U.S. Classification: 713/201000
Method for automatically isolating worm and hacker attacks within a local area network
In a method for automatically isolating worm software and hacker attacks in a network, a computer...

Simon Chu Chapel Hill, NC

Professions & Specialties

HackerComputer Security SpecialistSecurity and Investigations ProfessionalIT Security

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#7418730  Aug 26, 2008

Filed: Dec 17, 2002

Simon C. Chu (Chapel Hill, NC)
Steven W. Hunter (Raleigh, NC)
William Joseph Piazza (Holly Springs, NC)
Gregory Brian Pruett (Raleigh, NC)
10/321091 International Business Machines Corporation (Armonk, NY)
International Classification: G06F 11/00U.S. Classification: 726 22, 726 23, 714 43
Automatic client responses to worm or hacker attacks
A system in which a networked device automatically evaluates hacker attack notification information ...

Andrei Shindyapin Raleigh, NC

Professions & Specialties

Computer Software ProfessionalRuby DeveloperSoftware DevelopersSoftware DeveloperHackerComputer Security SpecialistSecurity and Investigations ProfessionalIT SecurityCo-FounderFounderFounding MemberChief ExecutiveGeneral and Operations ManagerDirector of OperationsOperations ManagerBachelor of ScienceResearch SpecialistResearch Scientist

Experience & Education

Co-founder at AutoMicroFarm, Developer at Snooty Monkey, LLC
Developer at Snooty Monkey, LLC
Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina Area
Computer Software
Work history:
AutoMicroFarm - Cary, NCCo-foundersince Sep 2011Snooty Monkey, LLC - Chapel Hill, NCDevelopersince Jan 2009
Ruby on Rails, Design of Experiments, Web Applications, Manufacturing, Entrepreneurship,...
English, German, Russian

Jared Polivka Charleston, SC

Professions & Specialties

HackerSoftware DeveloperSoftware DevelopersComputer Security SpecialistSecurity and Investigations ProfessionalIT SecurityCounselorAdvisorCo-FounderFounderFounding MemberChief ExecutiveMarketing ManagerSenior Online LeaderInternet Marketing ManagerWeb MarketerGeneralistConsumer Goods ProfessionalCommodities ClerkTraderCapital Markets ProfessionalFinancial Services ProfessionalFinancial Services Sales Agent

Experience & Education

Startups, writing, community & growth
Charleston, South Carolina
Online Media
Work history:
Grouper - Greater New York City AreaConsultantMay 2013 - May 2013Victory Framework Co-founderAug 2011 - Mar 2013
Javascript, New Business Development, HTML, CSS, Customer Development, Creative Writing, Online...

Joshua Goldstein New York, NY

Professions & Specialties

HackerRuby DeveloperComputer Security SpecialistSecurity and Investigations ProfessionalIT SecuritySoftware DeveloperSoftware DevelopersDirector of OperationsOperations ManagerCo-FounderVice PresidentFounderFounding MemberChief ExecutiveMaster of Business AdministrationVolunteerNon-ProfitFinance and Accounting SpecialistAccounting BookkeeperBookkeeperResearch SpecialistResearch Scientist

Experience & Education

Director of Operations at Bondsy
New York, New York
Work history:
Bondsy - Brookyln, New YorkDirector of Operationssince Oct 2012Skillshare - New YorkTeacherJul 2012 - Oct 2012

Michael Maher Los Angeles, CA

Professions & Specialties

Systems ArchitectSolaris AdministratorComputer Software ProfessionalSoftware DevelopersSystems AdministratorComputer Systems AdministratorSoftware DeveloperTechnical Support SpecialistSoftware TesterNetwork TechnicianHackerComputational ScientistSystems Support SpecialistSupport SpecialistsComputer SpecialistNetwork AdministratorComputer Security SpecialistSecurity and Investigations ProfessionalIT SecurityComputer ScientistsFounderFounding MemberChief ExecutiveManagerDirector of OperationsTeam LeaderOperations ManagerProject ManagersHunterNetwork ArchitectJudgeProject ManagerAdvisorBachelor of ScienceLeather WorkerShoe and Leather

Experience & Education

Senior Production Systems Engineer at the Rubicon Project, Founder at Wootini
Senior Production Systems Engineer at the Rubicon Project
Los Angeles, California
Computer Software
Work history:
The Rubicon Project - Greater Los Angeles AreaSenior Production Systems Engineersince Jul 2011Wootini - Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina AreaFoundersince Aug 2003
Nagios, Open Source, Linux, Perl, Puppet, CentOS, RHEL, Ops, PXE, Atlassian JIRA, Bamboo, Crowd,...

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