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PHP Developers in Somers Point, NJ

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5 results found

Nikola Reljin Somers Point, NJ

Professions & Specialties

ProgrammerComputer ProgrammerSoftware DeveloperSoftware DevelopersCounselorProject ManagerAdvisorProject ManagersDoctor of PhilosophyMaster of ScienceSurvey Researcher

Experience & Education


Edc medical research
Consultant, project leader
National road traffic safety agency - Belgrade
Project leader, programmer


C/C++, C#, PHP, Java, JQuery, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, some Python, Perl, VB

Negoslav Radosavljevic Philadelphia, PA

Professions & Specialties

Web DesignerJavaScript DeveloperPHP DeveloperInformation Technology SpecialistWebsite DeveloperSoftware DeveloperSoftware DevelopersIT SpecialistSupport SpecialistsMarketing ConsultantMarket AnalystMarket Research AnalystDesignersManagerOperations ManagerChief Executive

Experience & Education

Freelance Web Designer, Marketing Consultant at N&R Communications LLC
Greater Philadelphia Area
Information Technology and Services
Work history:
N&R Communications LLC - Somers Point, NJFreelance Web Designer, Marketing Consultantsince Aug 2011Serbian Unity Congress Web ManagerSep 2009 - Aug 2011

Gregory Forte Henderson, NV

Professions & Specialties

SalesForce AdministratorDatabase Administration ProfessionalDatabase AdministratorComputer ScientistsSoftware DeveloperSoftware DevelopersBusiness Development ManagerManagerSales ManagerSales DirectorPartnerVice President of SalesOperations ManagerChief ExecutiveVice PresidentPremierGovernment Service ExecutiveGovernment Administration OfficerCivil ServantSupplierClient Service OfficerServices ProfessionalSales and Service SpecialistSales AgentSales RepresentativeGuideTour GuideFinance and Accounting SpecialistAccounting BookkeeperBookkeeperCustomer ServiceCompliance OfficerNurseNurse PractitionerMedical Support AssistantHealth Support WorkerHealthcare SupportEntertainer

Experience & Education

Manager of Business Development - Hospitality at Shift4 Corporation
Business Development Manager - Hospitality at Shift4 Corporation
Henderson, Nevada
Financial Services
Work history:
Shift4 Corporation - Las Vegas, Nevada AreaManager of Business Development - Hospitalitysince Sep 2011Accelerated Payment Technologies - Henderson, NVInside Sales Manager/Channel Partner ManagerFeb 2008 - Sep 2011
American Management Association, Making the Transition from Staff Member to Supervisor
Hewlett Packard / Compaq Corp., HP Authorized Sales Associate / Selling Compaq Business Systems in Today’s Market
They continue to learn programming in PHP as a basis for developing web based applicatio..

Gaurav Verma Steelmanville, NJ

Professions & Specialties

Programmer AnalystInformation Systems AnalystIT AnalystComputational ScientistSoftware DeveloperSoftware DevelopersSystems AdministratorComputer Systems AdministratorUser Interface DesignerSoftware EngineerComputer ScientistsAnalystAnalystsAdvocateJuristLegal Counsel

Experience & Education


Sr. system analyst
Sra international - Linwood, NJ
Programmer analyst


PHP, MySQL, MSSQL, Unix, ASP.Net, VB.Net, XML, jQuery

Rauf Tur Philadelphia, PA

Professions & Specialties

Information Technology SpecialistComputer Network ConsultantWeb DesignerIT SpecialistComputer ConsultantIT ConsultantWebsite DeveloperCreative DirectorArt DirectorSEO SpecialistWeb MarketerGraphic Design SpecialistGraphic DesignerMarketing Manager

Experience & Education

Information Technology Specialist at YOGO Factory, Executive Creative Director at Chop Dawg Studios ...
Information Technology Specialist at YoGo Factory
Greater Philadelphia Area
Graphic Design
Work history:
YOGO Factory - Galloway, NJInformation Technology Specialistsince May 2012Chop Dawg Studios - Egg Harbor TownshipExecutive Creative Directorsince Mar 2011
CSS3, HTML5, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Computer Hardware, Computer Repair, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe...
English, Turkish

PHP Developers near Somers Point, NJ03691215MarltonAtlantic CityMedfordMays LandingWilliamstownWest BerlinVinelandMillvilleMinotolaStone Harbor

PHP Developers around Somers Point, NJ

Atlantic City  (11)
Browns Mills  (1)
Marlton  (15)
Mays Landing  (6)
Medford  (7)
Millville  (2)
Minotola  (1)
Ocean City  (1)
Oceanville  (1)
Stone Harbor  (1)
Vineland  (2)
West Berlin  (3)
Williamstown  (5)

PHP Developers in New Jersey
