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Requirements Analysts in Los Gatos, CA

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1 result found

Paul Ellwood San Francisco, CA

Professions & Specialties

Data AnalystData Entry SpecialistData ScientistSystems AnalystRequirements AnalystSoftware EngineerInformation Technology SpecialistComputer SpecialistIT AnalystInformation Systems AnalystSoftware DevelopersIT SpecialistDirectorPartnerOperations ManagerChief ExecutiveSupporting MemberTeam MemberTeam LeaderDirector of Customer OperationsMarketing ManagerCounselorManagement ConsultantBusiness ConsultantAdvisorManagement AnalystAnalystsSupplierServices ProfessionalSales and Service SpecialistSales AgentSales RepresentativeModelEntertainment ProfessionalEntertainerBachelor of ScienceAdvertising ProfessionalInternet Marketing ManagerWeb MarketerAdvertising Sales Agent

Experience & Education

Director of Product Analytics at Netflix
San Francisco Bay Area
Work history:
Netflix - Los Gatos, CADirector of Product Analyticssince Jan 2013Rosetta - Cleveland, OHAssociate Partner, Advanced Analytics & OptimizationFeb 2012 - Dec 2012
Business Analysis, Customer Relations, Software Quality Assurance, Software Requirements,...

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