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Software Engineers in Georgetown, DE

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5 results found

Steve Robison Lewes, DE

Professions & Specialties

Web DeveloperApplications DeveloperProgrammerComputer ProgrammerPHP DeveloperJavaScript DeveloperUser Interface DesignerSoftware DevelopersSoftware EngineerSoftware DeveloperComputer Software ProfessionalInformation Technology SpecialistWebsite DeveloperSystems AdministratorComputer Systems AdministratorIT SpecialistOwnerChief ExecutiveMarketing ManagerPoetAuthorPublisherPublishing ProfessionalPhotographerWeb Marketer

Experience & Education

Web Developer / Owner at Red Sky Websites, LLC, GIS / Database Programmer at Peter Angelos Law firm
Web Developer, iOS App Developer, Writer
Lewes, Delaware
Work history:
Red Sky Websites, LLC - Lewes, DelawareWeb Developer / Ownersince Sep 2011Peter Angelos Law firm - Baltimore, Maryland AreaGIS / Database Programmersince Apr 2010
Writing, Publishing, Web Development, Web Design, HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, jQuery, Drupal,...

Mike Futty Bridgeville, DE

Professions & Specialties

Unix AdministratorInformation Technology SpecialistSystems AdministratorComputer Systems AdministratorIT SpecialistComputer SpecialistSoftware DevelopersSecurityBusiness ManagerLeaderManagersEngineering ManagerTechnology ManagerChairpersonVice PresidentTechnical ManagersChief ExecutiveOperations ManagerConstructionElectrical InspectorOrganization ManagementSpokespersonRepresentativeInspectorEducation ManagerChief Information OfficerExecutive Team LeaderChief Executive OfficerChief Operating OfficerFinancial DirectorDirectorEducation AdministratorCorporate ExecutiveGeneral and Operations ManagerDirector of OperationsFinancial OfficerFinancial ManagerCommunity Service ManagerInstructorPedagogueForemanConstruction AdministratorConstruction ManagerFinance and Accounting SpecialistAccounting BookkeeperBookkeeperEquipment Tools Purchasing AgentServices ProfessionalSales and Service SpecialistSales AgentSales RepresentativeDepartment Store SalespersonRetail ProfessionalRetail SalespersonGovernment Administration ProfessionalGovernment Administration OfficerCivil Servant

Experience & Education

Midrange Server Security Engineering Manager at Bank of America, Past President at Southern...
Server Security and Identity Access Management (IAM) Engineering Manager
Bridgeville, Delaware
Information Technology and Services
Work history:
Bank of America - GlobalMidrange Server Security Engineering Managersince Dec 2009Southern Delaware Toastmasters - Georgetown, DEPast Presidentsince 2007
Information Security, Identity and Access Management (IAM), Virtualization, Cloud Computing,...
Software Development

Tim York Georgetown, DE

Professions & Specialties

Information Technology SpecialistUnix AdministratorLinux AdministratorIT SpecialistSystems AdministratorComputer Systems AdministratorComputer Network ConsultantSystems Support SpecialistSupport SpecialistsSoftware EngineerSoftware DevelopersComputer Network EngineerNetwork Systems AdministratorComputer Network ProfessionalNetwork AdministratorComputer ConsultantIT ConsultantTechnicianTechnical SpecialistTechnical Support SpecialistsClerkAdvisorClerical SpecialistChief Administrative OfficerChief ExecutiveEquipment Tools Purchasing AgentDepartment Store SalespersonRetail ProfessionalRetail Salesperson

Experience & Education

Technician at Advanced Microcomputers, Inc. t/a Advanced Computers
Georgetown, Delaware
Information Technology and Services
Work history:
Advanced Microcomputers, Inc. t/a Advanced Computers - Salisbury, MDTechniciansince Apr 2013Brandywine Technology - Salisbury, MDServer Support/Perdue Farms ProjectNov 2012 - Apr 2013
Microsoft Operating Systems, Cloud Computing, Virtualization, Remedy, LANDesk, Dell PowerEdge...

Catherine Sutton Washington, DC

Professions & Specialties

Software EngineerJava DeveloperSoftware DevelopersSoftware DeveloperCounselorLeaderAdvisorArea ManagerManagersFounderSales ManagerSales DirectorMarket ManagerDirectorFounding MemberChief ExecutiveRegion ManagerOperations ManagerAccount ManagerHunterFarmerFarmworkerDoctor of MedicineHuman Resources SpecialistRecruitmentSales AgentSales Representative

Experience & Education

Search Consultant, Founder at CS&A
Search Consultant: Contact me about opptys in SoftwareSales&Engineering, Prof.Svcs.Sales/AcctMgt
Washington D.C. Metro Area
Staffing and Recruiting
Work history:
CS&A - Boyds, MarylandSearch Consultant, Foundersince 1998TSTP / CORESTAFF SERVICES/ CSG - DC Metro MarketSearch Director1983 - 1998
Technical Recruiting, Recruiting, Management, Training, Temporary Placement, Temporary Staffing,...

Kelleen Loewen Boston, MA

Professions & Specialties

Software EngineerSoftware DevelopersChief Commercial OfficerChief Executive OfficerChief ExecutiveCorporate ExecutiveConstructionEquipment Tools Purchasing AgentDepartment Store SalespersonRetail ProfessionalRetail SalespersonRegion ManagerProduction ManagerOperations ManagerPilotArea ManagerManagersAir Transportation WorkerClient Service OfficerCustomer ServiceIndustrial EngineerBachelor of ScienceAdvertising Sales Agent

Experience & Education

Commercial Director at Saint-Gobain High Performance Refractories
Greater Boston Area
Glass, Ceramics & Concrete
Work history:
Saint-Gobain High Performance Refractories Commercial Directorsince Jan 2010Saint-Gobain Abrasives - Worcester, MAGeneral ManagerNov 2007 - Dec 2009

Software Engineers near Georgetown, DE021426384105DoverSalisburyLewesPrincess AnneMillsboroOcean CityDentonBerlinHarringtonSelbyville

Software Engineers around Georgetown, DE

Berlin  (4)
Bridgeville  (2)
Delmar  (1)
Delmar  (1)
Denton  (4)
Dover  (105)
Eden  (1)
Federalsburg  (1)
Greensboro  (1)
Harrington  (3)
Hebron  (1)
Laurel  (2)
Lewes  (10)
Magnolia  (1)
Marydel  (1)
Millsboro  (5)
Millville  (2)
Ocean City  (5)
Parsonsburg  (1)
Preston  (1)
Quantico  (1)
Ridgely  (2)
Salisbury  (38)
Seaford  (3)
Selbyville  (3)
Tyaskin  (1)
Willards  (1)

Software Engineers in Delaware
