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Support Specialists in Anton, TX

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1 result found

Jessica Foshee Anton, TX

Professions & Specialties

Technical Support SpecialistSystems Support SpecialistSupport SpecialistsDirector of Customer OperationsMarketing ManagerAssistant ManagerManagers

Experience & Education


Starnik systems, inc
Director of customer relations/tier ii technical support/training
Movie express/alltel communications - Seagraves, TX
Assistant manager


Page Design and Requirement Documentation, Ability to type 75 WPM, Experience with Microsoft...

Support Specialistss near Anton, TX073146219292365LubbockLevellandPlainviewRansom CanyonTahokaCrosbytonWelchWolfforthSeagravesMuleshoe

Support Specialistss around Anton, TX

Brownfield  (1)
Crosbyton  (2)
Denver City  (1)
Farwell  (1)
Hale Center  (1)
Levelland  (7)
Littlefield  (1)
Lubbock  (364)
Morton  (1)
Muleshoe  (1)
Plainview  (6)
Seagraves  (1)
Summerfield  (1)
Tahoka  (2)
Welch  (1)
Wolfforth  (1)

Support Specialistss in Texas