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Commercial Announcers in Golden, MO

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5 results found

Rudolph Nadherny Golden, MO

Professions & Specialties

News AnchorCommercial AnnouncerPresenter

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#6402446  Jun 11, 2002

Filed: Nov 22, 1999

Rudolph E. Nadherny (Golden, MO)
Mark Kampf (Crystal Lake, IL)
09/447133 Ireco, Inc. (Chicago, IL)
International Classification: B60P 708U.S. Classification: 410100, 410 97, 410117, 410118, 410113, 410114, 410115
Lading tie anchor system
A lading tie anchor system for railway box cars which uses lading ties comprising straps of woven...
What is claimed is: 1. A lading tie anchor system for a box car having a pluarality of vertical...

Rudolph Nadherny Golden, MO

Professions & Specialties

News AnchorCommercial AnnouncerPresenter

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#6481941  Nov 19, 2002

Filed: Jan 12, 2001

Rudolph E. Nadherny (Golden, MO)
Peter R. Sutcliffe (Lyons, CO)
09/760014 Ireco, LLC (Chicago, IL)
International Classification: B60P 708U.S. Classification: 410114, 410115, 410106, 410110, 410108, 410109, 410112, 410113, 410116
Lading tie anchor
A lading tie anchor for use in a railway boxcar having an interior metal lining, the lining having...
What is claimed is: 1. A lading tie anchor for use in an enclosed boxcar having a plurality of...

Rudolph Nadherny Golden, MO

Professions & Specialties

News AnchorCommercial AnnouncerPresenter

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#8469643  Jun 25, 2013

Filed: Sep 9, 2009

David R. Early (Carol Stream, IL)
Rudolph E. Nadherny (Golden, MO)
Barry T. Glass (Crest Hill, IL)
12/555972 Ireco, LLC (Bensenville, IL)
International Classification: B60P 7/08U.S. Classification: 410106, 410116
Lading tie anchor link with enhanced banding contact surface
A two-piece anchor assembly has a retainer and an interlocking link. The link is a unitary...

Rudolph Nadherny Golden, MO

Professions & Specialties

News AnchorCommercial AnnouncerPresenter

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#7621706  Nov 24, 2009

Filed: Apr 28, 2005

David R. Early (Carol Stream, IL)
Rudolph E. Nadherny (Golden, MO)
Barry T. Glass (Crest Hill, IL)
11/116839 Ireco, LLC (Bensenville, IL)
International Classification: B60P 7/08U.S. Classification: 410106, 410116
Lading tie anchor link with enhanced banding contact surface
A two-piece anchor assembly has a retainer and an interlocking link. The link is a unitary...

Rudolph Nadherny Golden, MO

Professions & Specialties

News AnchorCommercial AnnouncerPresenter

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#7513727  Apr 7, 2009

Filed: Apr 28, 2005

Rudolph E. Nadherny (Golden, MO)
Barry T. Glass (Crest Hill, IL)
11/116840 Ireco, LLC (Bensenville, IL)
International Classification: B65D 63/00, B61D 45/00U.S. Classification: 410106, 410107, 410110
Lading tie anchor link adapter
An anchor assembly has a retainer and an interlocking link, with the link secured to the floor of a ...

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Commercial Announcers in Missouri


News Anchor  (5)