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Administrative Court Justices in Elizabeth, NJ

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1 result found

Lindsay Spero New York, NY

Professions & Specialties

Law ClerkJudgeJudicial Law ClerkAttorney GeneralStudent LawyerJustice of The PeaceAdministrative Court JusticeAdministrative Law AttorneyOf CounselJuristLegal CounselLawyerApprenticeStudent WorkerNon-ProfitDirectorOperations ManagerCommunity Service ManagerSenatorGovernment Administration ProfessionalLegislatorJuris DoctorHigh School Diploma

Experience & Education

Law Clerk at Honorable Karen Cassidy, Assignment Judge, New Jersey Superior Court, Union County...
Law Clerk, Hon. Karen M. Cassidy, Assignment Judge, New Jersey Superior Court, Union County Vicinage
Greater New York City Area
Legal Services
Work history:
Honorable Karen Cassidy, Assignment Judge, New Jersey Superior Court, Union County Vicinage - Elizabeth, NJLaw Clerksince Sep 2012New Jersey Attorney General's Office, Division of Law, Securities Fraud Prosecution - Newark, NJInternJan 2012 - May 2012
Proficient in French

Administrative Court Justices near Elizabeth, NJ086172258344430New YorkBrooklynNewarkMontclairJersey CityStaten Island

Administrative Court Justices around Elizabeth, NJ

Brooklyn  (35)
Jersey City  (1)
Montclair  (1)
New York  (428)
Newark  (19)

Administrative Court Justices in New Jersey
