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Administrative Court Justices in York, SC

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1 result found

Judah Vansyckel York, SC

Professions & Specialties

Public DefenderMagistrateLaw SpecialistContract AttorneyAttorney At LawLawyerJustice of The PeaceAdministrative Court JusticeAdministrative Law AttorneyOf CounselJuristLegal CounselDocument Reviewer

Experience & Education

Assistant Public Defender at South Carolina 16th Judicial Circuit Office of the Public Defender
Assistant Public Defender
York, South Carolina
Law Practice
Work history:
South Carolina 16th Judicial Circuit Office of the Public Defender Assistant Public Defendersince Aug 2011BrownGreer, PLC Contract AttorneySep 2010 - May 2011

Administrative Court Justices near York, SC01326395265CharlotteGastoniaFort MillRock HillMount HollyStanley

Administrative Court Justices around York, SC

Charlotte  (61)
Fort Mill  (2)
Gastonia  (4)
Mount Holly  (1)
Rock Hill  (2)
Stanley  (1)

Administrative Court Justices in South Carolina
