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Administrative Law Attorneys in Tenafly, NJ

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1 result found

Kirah Addes Tenafly, NJ

Professions & Specialties

Legal InternStudent LawyerJustice of The PeaceAdministrative Court JusticeAdministrative Law AttorneyOf CounselJuristLegal CounselBartenderJuris Doctor

Experience & Education


Passaic county prosecutor's office special victims unit
Full-time legal intern
Seton hall law center for social justice - Newark, NJ
Legal extern, immigrants' rights/international human rights clinic

Administrative Law Attorneys near Tenafly, NJ0114228342456570New YorkBronxLeoniaParamusHackensackMount VernonTeaneckSaddle BrookDumontBogota

Administrative Law Attorneys around Tenafly, NJ

Bogota  (1)
Bronx  (10)
Dumont  (1)
Hackensack  (1)
Leonia  (2)
Mount Vernon  (1)
New York  (570)
Orangeburg  (1)
Paramus  (2)
Saddle Brook  (1)
Teaneck  (1)

Administrative Law Attorneys in New Jersey
