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Advocates in Abbeville, GA

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1 result found

Felicia Thomas Abbeville, GA

Professions & Specialties

AdvocateJuristLegal CounselBachelor of ScienceAssociate in Applied ScienceAdministrative ClerkClerical SpecialistOperations Manager

Experience & Education


United states postal sevice
Mail handler assistant
Americorps east st. louis/ land of lincoln education advocacy project
Education advocate

Advocates near Abbeville, GA021426384105MaconWarner RobinsDublinPerryTiftonMarshallvilleKathleenDouglasBonaireFitzgerald

Advocates around Abbeville, GA

Bonaire  (4)
Cobb  (1)
Cordele  (2)
Douglas  (5)
Dublin  (9)
Dudley  (1)
Elko  (1)
Enigma  (1)
Fitzgerald  (4)
Kathleen  (5)
Macon  (103)
Nashville  (1)
Ocilla  (1)
Perry  (8)
Pineview  (1)
Sylvester  (2)
Tifton  (7)
Warner Robins  (29)
Willacoochee  (1)

Advocates in Georgia