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Contract Attorneys in North Stonington, CT

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1 result found

Aida Carini North Stonington, CT

Professions & Specialties

Law SpecialistLawyerDocument ReviewerAttorney At LawSupporting MemberConstructionTeam MemberBoard MemberManagerManagement Team ExecutiveOperations ManagerSecretaryCommunity Service ManagerStudent WorkerPsychology Specialist

Experience & Education

Cultural Resource Associate at Carini & Associates
North Stonington, Connecticut
Law Practice
Work history:
Carini & Associates - New EnglandCultural Resource Associatesince Nov 2011NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia - Northern VirginiaMember of Board of DirectorsFeb 2011 - Feb 2013
Civil Litigation, Reproductive Rights, Writing, Reproductive Justice, Legal Writing, Litigation,...
Contract Attorney at Peak Discovery

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Cranston  (4)
Wakefield  (1)
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Contract Attorneys in Connecticut


Contract Attorney  (1)