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Contract Attorneys in Vernon, CT

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Here is a complete directory of most experienced Contract Attorneys in Vernon, CT.

Be sure to review other regions near Vernon, CT to locate the records of more people.

The Trustoria Service Professional Directory provides you with all the resources needed to find the right professional for any need.

1 result found

Jay Kommuru Baltimore, MD

Professions & Specialties

Contract AttorneyDocument ReviewerLawyerJudicial Law ClerkBloggerAuthoressAuthorVolunteerNon-ProfitSales ManagerSales DirectorLicensed Real Estate BrokerProperty ManagerReal Estate ManagerConsumer Goods ProfessionalCommodities ClerkStudent WorkerResearcherSurvey ResearcherTraderCapital Markets ProfessionalFinancial Services ProfessionalFinancial Services Sales Agent

Experience & Education

Volunteer Attorney at Marland Volunteer Legal Services, Contract Attorney at Special Counsel
Attorney, Football Scout/Blogger
Baltimore, Maryland
Legal Services
Work history:
Marland Volunteer Legal Services Volunteer Attorneysince Apr 2013Special Counsel - Baltimore, Maryland AreaContract Attorneysince Sep 2012

Contract Attorneys near Vernon, CT0918273645HartfordSpringfieldGlastonburyBloomfieldWindsorManchesterEnfieldWindsor Locks

Contract Attorneys around Vernon, CT

Bloomfield  (1)
Enfield  (1)
Glastonbury  (2)
Hartford  (41)
Manchester  (1)
Springfield  (6)
Windsor  (1)

Contract Attorneys in Connecticut


Contract Attorney  (1)