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Judicial Interns in Fayetteville, AR

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5 results found

Jennifer Schlosstein Fayetteville, AR

Professions & Specialties

General CounselCorporate CounselOf CounselJuristLegal CounselStudent LawyerJudgeSupporting MemberNon-ProfitSecurityTeam MemberAdmiralSupplierEquipment Tools Purchasing AgentServices ProfessionalSales and Service SpecialistSales AgentSales RepresentativeDepartment Store SalespersonRetail ProfessionalRetail SalespersonLicensed Real Estate BrokerProperty ManagerReal Estate ManagerSoftware DevelopersPsychology Specialist

Experience & Education

Associate General Counsel at Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Fayetteville, Arkansas Area
Legal Services
Work history:
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Associate General Counselsince Jan 2011Expedia, Inc. Senior Corporate CounselJan 2006 - Dec 2010
Judicial Intern at Chief Judge Barbara B Crabb

Elizabeth Rumley Fayetteville, AR

Professions & Specialties

Law SpecialistLaw ClerkLawyersJudicial Law ClerkJudicial InternMagistrateJudgeStudent LawyerJustice of The PeaceAdministrative Court JusticeAdministrative Law AttorneyOf CounselJuristLegal CounselStudent Worker

Experience & Education

Staff Attorney at National Agricultural Law Center
Fayetteville, Arkansas Area
Law Practice
Work history:
National Agricultural Law Center Staff Attorneysince May 2008Cosme, D'Angelo & Szollosi Law ClerkMay 2005 - Feb 2008

Elizabeth Springsteen Fayetteville, AR

Professions & Specialties

Law SpecialistLawyersDistrict Court JudgeJudicial InternJudicial Law ClerkJudgeStudent LawyerApprenticeStudent Worker

Experience & Education

Staff Attorney at National Agricultural Law Center
Fayetteville, Arkansas Area
Law Practice

Beth Rumley Fayetteville, AR

Professions & Specialties

Law SpecialistLawyersDistrict Court JudgeJudicial InternJudicial Law ClerkJudgeStudent LawyerApprenticeStudent Worker

Experience & Education

Fayetteville, Arkansas Area
Law Practice

Gregory Raglon Fayetteville, AR

Professions & Specialties

Student LawyerChief Executive OfficerCorporate ExecutiveChief ExecutiveAdjunct InstructorInstructorPedagogueLecturerPostsecondary TeacherJuris DoctorBachelor of ArtsPostmasterRecruitment

Experience & Education


Parakaleo cummunity development and service corporation
Executive director
University of arkansas, school of arts and sciences - Pine Bluff, AR
Full-time adjunct political science instructor

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Springdale  (1)

Judicial Interns in Arkansas