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Justice of The Peaces in Jewett, NY

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1 result found

Rebecca Mcgowan Albany, NY

Professions & Specialties

Justice of The PeaceAdministrative Court JusticeAdministrative Law AttorneyOf CounselJuristLegal CounselSupervisorManagersAdjunct InstructorLecturerPostsecondary TeacherManagerOperations ManagerPsychologistPsychology SpecialistGuideBusiness AdministratorTour GuideChief Executive

Experience & Education

Adjunct Instrcutor at Columbia-Greene COmmunity College, Dining Room Manager at Brandywine Restaurant
Dining Supervisor at Brandywine Restaurant
Albany, New York Area
Work history:
Columbia-Greene COmmunity College Adjunct Instrcutorsince Aug 2009Brandywine Restaurant Dining Room Managersince Mar 1990

Justice of The Peaces near Jewett, NY01Kingston

Justice of The Peaces around Jewett, NY

Kingston  (1)

Justice of The Peaces in New York


Magistrate  (1)