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Justice of The Peaces in Mexico, NY

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1 result found

Stephen Arnold Mexico, NY

Professions & Specialties

Criminal Defense LawyerAttorney At LawDefense AttorneyLawyerAdministrative Court JusticeAdministrative Law AttorneyOf CounselJuristLegal CounselJustice of The PeaceAdministrative Law Judge

Experience & Education

(315) 963-8909 (Office)
Family - 55%(43 years, 2,500+ cases)
Criminal Defense - 25%(43 years, 1,000+ cases)
New York - Currently registered     1980
Attorney at Stephen W. Arnold, Attorney at Law     1991-present
Support Hearing Examiner (now Support Magistrate) at Oswego County Family Court     1985-1991
Western New England College School of Law     1979
Juris Doctor - Law
State University of Albany     1976
BA - Bachelor of Arts - Political Science
Oswego County Bar Association - Member     1980-present

With 27 years of experience in a wide variety of legal areas, I am able to provide experienced...

Justice of The Peaces near Mexico, NY0481216Syracuse

Justice of The Peaces around Mexico, NY

Syracuse  (16)

Justice of The Peaces in New York


Magistrate  (1)