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Justice of The Peaces in Newburgh, NY

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1 result found

Kathleen Jackson Mount Morris, PA

Professions & Specialties

Judicial Law ClerkChief JudgeJudgeJustice of The PeaceAdministrative Court JusticeAdministrative Law AttorneyOf CounselJuristLegal CounselChildrens PastorClergyTherapistPhysical Therapy SpecialistModelSenior PastorPastoral WorkerMaster of EducationOperations Manager

Experience & Education

Children's Pastor at Mount Morris Gospel Tabernacle
Children's Pastor
Mount Morris, Pennsylvania
Religious Institutions
Work history:
Mount Morris Gospel Tabernacle Children's Pastorsince Apr 2013Aspire - Charleston, SCABA TherapistSep 2010 - Apr 2013

Justice of The Peaces near Newburgh, NY0123PoughkeepsieGoshenMonroeRosendale

Justice of The Peaces around Newburgh, NY

Goshen  (1)
Monroe  (1)
Poughkeepsie  (3)
Rosendale  (1)

Justice of The Peaces in New York


Magistrate  (1)