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Brand Planners in Sterling, KS

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1 result found

Matt Ehresman Wichita, KS

Professions & Specialties

Brand PlannerWeb MarketerBrand RepresentativeMarketing ProfessionalAdvertising Sales AgentMedia DirectorManagerChief ExecutiveMarketing ManagerOperations ManagerGuideTeam MemberTour GuideGraphic Design SpecialistGraphic DesignerOrganization ManagementManagersBachelor of ArtsEntertainment ProfessionalEntertainerStudent WorkerCopy EditorEditing ProfessionalWriting and Editing ProfessionalWriter and Editor

Experience & Education

Creative Media Director at First MB Church
Crafting Creative Messages
Wichita, Kansas
Media Production
Work history:
First MB Church - Wichita, KSCreative Media Directorsince Jun 2013Sterling College - Sterling, KSWeb Marketing ManagerNov 2011 - Jun 2013
Social Media Marketing, Marketing Communications, Video Production, Web Design, Journalism, Graphic ... with guidelines for all ministry branding

Brand Planners near Sterling, KS04386129172215WichitaHutchinsonPrattNewtonEllinwoodLincolnColwichMoundridgeMaizeHesston

Brand Planners around Sterling, KS

Colwich  (1)
Ellinwood  (1)
Hesston  (1)
Hutchinson  (7)
Lincoln  (1)
Maize  (1)
Moundridge  (1)
Newton  (2)
Pratt  (2)
Wichita  (212)

Brand Planners in Kansas