Asset Exchange Company
San Francisco, CA
We have found information with phone and email addresses about the company Asset Exchange Company, based in 703 Market St #800, San Francisco, CA 94103, CA. The company works in the Real Estate industry. This business is connected with these specialties: 1031 Exchange, Reverse Exchanges, Construction Exchanges, and Personal Property Exchanges. Phone numbers, email addresses and other contact information for the company and Managing Member Aec Das 1031 Exhange, LLC can be found on our website.
Company Details
Last Update
Jul 14, 2022
Doing business as
Asset Exchange Co
Asset Exchange Company, LLC
703 Market St #800, San Francisco, CA 94103
353 Kearny St, San Francisco, CA 94108
353 Kearny Ste #201, San Francisco, CA 94108
3118 18 St, San Francisco, CA 94110
(***) ***-1031
(***) ***-1031
(***) ***-6120
(***) ***-0644
Real Estate
Real Estate Agent/Manager
1031 Exchange Accommodation
1031 Exchange Qualified Intermediary
Real Estate
Homes & Residential Real Estate
1031 Exchange
Reverse Exchanges
Construction Exchanges
Personal Property Exchanges
Number of Employee
1-10 employees
531 - Real Estate
Decision Makers
Edd Lay
Managing Partner
Leonard Spoto
Matthew Ferencei
Business Development Manager
Jeff Stechmann
Business Development Director
Janelle Mcculloch
Vice President
Ces William Huey
Senior Exchange Officer
Weiming Peng
Division Manager
Kathy Rice
Administrative Assistant
Tony Deben
Asset Group, Inc
Oklahoma City, OK
Asset International
Stamford, CT
ASSET InterTech, Inc.
Richardson, TX
Asset LifeCycle, LLC
Topeka, KS
Asset Management Company
Palo Alto, CA
Asset Management Group, Inc.
Fairfax, VA
Asset Management Real Estate
Denver, CO
Asset Management Specialist
Edgely, PA