Hagerstown Goodwill Industries
Martinsburg, WV
We have found contact information containing phone numbers and email addresses for Hagerstown Goodwill Industries. Hagerstown Goodwill Industries operates in the Professional Training & Coaching, Job Training/Related Services, and Ret Used Merchandise industry and is located at 100 Eagle School Rd, Martinsburg, WV 25401. The company uses products and components, such as Carpet Care, Floor Maintenance, General Cleaning, Specializing In Helping People, and Specializing in Helping People With Work Readiness, Employment Skills & Job Seeking. The company operates in the fields such as Job Training, Non-Profit, Business Solutions, Job-Placement, and Family Services. The head of the company - CRAIG MACLEAN---EXEC. DIR - holds the position of Director. The company was founded on 1/28/2011.
Company Details
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