Nixon & Vanderhye P.C.
Arlington, VA
We have found information with phone and email addresses about the company Nixon & Vanderhye P.c, based in 901 N Glebe Rd SUITE 1100, Arlington, VA 22203, VA. The company works in the Law Practice industry. The company's main products are Larry S. Nixon has been named the Best Lawyers' 2012 Washington DC Patent Law Lawyer of the Year, Litigation, Patents, Copyrights, & Trademarks, Trademark Protection, and Trademark Registration. This business is connected with these specialties: IP Litigation, Patent Prosecution, and Trademark Prosecution. Phone numbers, email addresses and other contact information for the company and Associate Sheri Gordon can be found on our website.
Company Details
Decision Makers
Nixon and Company, Inc.
Saint Louis, MO
Springfield, MA
Nixon Exterminating, Inc
Gastonia, NC
Nixon Land Surveying, LLC
Lynchburg, VA
Nixon Peabody LLP
Boston, MA
Nixon Peabody Llp
Washington, DC
Nixon Real Estate
Fredericksburg, TX
Nixsol Inc
Piscataway, NJ