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Communication and Writing Professors in Chapel Hill, NC

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5 results found

Erin Ball Chapel Hill, NC

Professions & Specialties

Public Speaking ProfessorSpeech ProfessorCommunication and Writing ProfessorCommunication and Writing ProfessorsSports TrainerBasketball CoachSports TrainersSports Game CoachLaw SpecialistLawyersEntertainerRecruitment

Experience & Education

Law Student at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Law
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Law Practice
Work history:
Clarendon School District Two - Manning, South CarolinaSecondary English, Drama, Public Speaking TeacherAug 2011 - Jun 2013Teach for America - Florence, South Carolina AreaCorps MemberJun 2011 - Jun 2013

Elizabeth Deornellas Chapel Hill, NC

Professions & Specialties

ProfessorPartnerChief ExecutiveCounselorAdvisorStudent Worker

Experience & Education

Hillside High School Faculty Member at Durham Public Schools
Hillside High faculty at Durham Public Schools
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Education Management
Work history:
Durham Public Schools Hillside High School Faculty Membersince Aug 2011Teach for America Curriculum WriterFeb 2012 - Aug 2012

Alexis Richardson Durham, NC

Professions & Specialties

EducatorEducation ProfessionalInstructorEnglish Language TeacherCommunication and Writing ProfessorCommunication and Writing ProfessorsHigh School TeacherSecondary School TeacherCopy EditorEditing ProfessionalWriting and Editing ProfessionalWriter and EditorApprenticeManufacturing LaborerLaborerBachelor of ArtsMaster of ScienceWeb MarketerMarketing ManagerPhotography ProfessionalStudent Worker

Experience & Education


Alr global
Independent copy editor and writer
International school ho chi minh city - Thnh ph H Ch Minh
High school english a/ language b teacher


Copyediting. Writing. Blogging. Proofreading. Style (AP, APA, CMOS, MLA). Research. Data. Web...

Dana Rosengard Boston, MA

Professions & Specialties

Journalism ProfessorCommunication and Writing ProfessorCommunication and Writing ProfessorsManagerOperations ManagerDirectorNews AnchorCorrespondentCommercial AnnouncerPresenterTeam Member

Experience & Education

Faculty / Department of Communication & Journalism at Suffolk University, executive prodcuer /...
journalism professor at Suffolk University
Greater Boston Area
Higher Education
Work history:
Suffolk University - Boston, MAFaculty / Department of Communication & Journalismsince Sep 2008Suffolk University - Boston, MAExecutive prodcuer / "Suffolk U News"since Jan 2009
Higher Education, Teaching, Public Speaking, Research, Writing, Journalism, Broadcast Journalism,...

Shilpi Paul Washington, DC

Professions & Specialties

Lead TeacherCommunication and Writing ProfessorCommunication and Writing ProfessorsEducatorEducation ProfessionalInstructorReporterLicensed Real Estate BrokerProperty ManagerReal Estate ManagerModelBachelor of SciencePsychologistStudent WorkerPsychology Specialist

Experience & Education

Reporter at UrbanTurf, Contributing Reporter at News India-Times
Reporter at UrbanTurf
Washington D.C. Metro Area
Writing and Editing
Work history:
UrbanTurf - Washington, DCReportersince Oct 2011News India-Times - Washington, DCContributing Reportersince Aug 2006

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Communication and Writing Professorss in North Carolina