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Councilors in Hazelwood, MO

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5 results found

Kam Cheung Hazelwood, MO

Professions & Specialties

Vocational AdviserCouncilorCounselor Education ProfessorEducational CounselorTechnicianApprenticeTechnical SpecialistTechnical Support SpecialistsStudent WorkerOffice ClerkClerical SpecialistAssayerLaboratory ChemistChemical ProfessionalChemistLawyers

Experience & Education


St. john's mercy, sleep medicine and research center
Sleep technician
University of missouri
Intern career counselor

Gaile Ford Hazelwood, MO

Professions & Specialties

Vocational AdviserCouncilorCounselor Education ProfessorEducational CounselorManagerOperations ManagerPsychologistBachelor of ScienceHealth Services AdministratorMedical Services ManagerHealth Services ManagerPsychology Specialist

Experience & Education


St. louis job corps
Career development team manager
St. louis job corps center - St. Louis, MO
Career counselor

Lezza Baker Saint Louis, MO

Professions & Specialties

Vocational AdviserCouncilorCounselor Education ProfessorEducational CounselorSupervisorManagersOwnerChief ExecutiveInformation Technology SpecialistIT SpecialistLeaderCounselorContractorBusiness ConsultantAdvisorManagerFounderDirectorOperations ManagerFounding MemberDatabase Administration ProfessionalDatabase AdministratorEditorPhotographerFinance and Accounting SpecialistIndependent Business OwnersAccounting BookkeeperBookkeeperHospital Care ProfessionalHealth ProfessionalHealth PractitionerSports Trainers

Experience & Education

Database Development Supervisor at Scottrade, Owner at webdesignbylz, Member at Professional...
IT Management/Web Development (Joomla/Adobe Products)
Greater St. Louis Area
Information Technology and Services
Work history:
Scottrade - Greater St. Louis AreaDatabase Development Supervisorsince Dec 2011Webdesignbylz - Hazelwood, MOOwnersince May 2013
Microsoft SQL Server, IT Strategy, ITIL, SQL, Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing, Data...

Michael Whitaker Saint Louis, MO

Professions & Specialties

CouncilorCounselor Education ProfessorEducational CounselorHuman Resources SpecialistTechnical RecruiterRecruitmentOwnerChief ExecutiveDisk-JockeyEntertainment ProfessionalEntertainerOperations ManagerMaster of CeremoniesHealth Information ManagerHealth Services AdministratorMedical Services ManagerHealth Services ManagerBusiness AdministratorManagersBachelor of ScienceInformation Technology SpecialistIT SpecialistSales and Service SpecialistSales AgentSales Representative

Experience & Education

IT Sourcing Specialist/Technical Recruiter at SBS Creatix, Owner/KJ/DJ at Karaoke Mike Productions
Sourcing Specialist at SBS Creatix
Greater St. Louis Area
Staffing and Recruiting
Work history:
SBS Creatix - Greater St. Louis AreaIT Sourcing Specialist/Technical Recruitersince Mar 2012Karaoke Mike Productions - Maryland Heights, MOOwner/KJ/DJsince Apr 2010

Kim Forman Hazelwood, MO

Professions & Specialties

Vocational AdviserCouncilorCounselor Education ProfessorEducational CounselorSenior DirectorSenior ManagerOperations ManagerDeputy ManagerChief ExecutiveClinical SpecialistHealth ProfessionalHealth PractitionerCounselorAdvisorMaster of ArtsBachelor of Arts

Experience & Education


Provident, inc - St. Louis, MO
Senior director
Provident, inc - St. Louis, MO

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Fenton  (1)
Florissant  (3)
Godfrey  (1)
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Councilors in Missouri
