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Counselor Education Professors in Winchester, VA

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Here is a complete list of nearly every experienced Counselor Education Professors in Winchester, VA.

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6 results found

Evan Clark Winchester, VA

Professions & Specialties

CouncilorCounselor Education ProfessorEducational CounselorDirectorBoard MemberOperations ManagerManagement Team ExecutiveMental Health Care ProfessionalBehavioral ConsultantPsychology SpecialistCommunity Service ManagerHospital Care ProfessionalSocial WorkersHealth ProfessionalHealth PractitionerHigh School DiplomaGovernment Administration ProfessionalFinance and Accounting SpecialistAccounting BookkeeperBookkeeperLoan OfficersAdvisor

Experience & Education

Mental Health Specialist at North Spring Behaviorial Healthcare, Board Member at Northern...
Director at Intervention Services of Virginia
Winchester, Virginia
Mental Health Care
Work history:
North Spring Behaviorial Healthcare - Leesburg VirginiaMental Health Specialistsince 2012Northern Shenandoah Valley Regional Comission - Front Royal VABoard Membersince Jan 2007

Jean Hayes Winchester, VA

Professions & Specialties

Study Abroad AdvisorStudent AdvisorCounselor Education ProfessorEducational CounselorVolunteerNon-ProfitDirectorManagerOperations ManagerHuman Resources SpecialistRecruitment

Experience & Education

Study Abroad Advisor at Shenandoah University
Winchester, Virginia
Education Management
Work history:
Shenandoah University Study Abroad Advisorsince May 2007Academic Travel Abroad Director of AdministrationJun 1985 - Jun 2000

John Willingham Winchester, VA

Professions & Specialties

CouncilorCounselor Education ProfessorEducational CounselorLicensed Real Estate BrokerProperty ManagerReal Estate ManagerChief Executive OfficerPartnerFinancial DirectorCorporate ExecutiveChief ExecutiveFinancial OfficerFinancial ManagerBanking ManagerVice PresidentOperations ManagerFinance and Accounting SpecialistAccounting BookkeeperBookkeeperGovernment Service ExecutiveGovernment Administration OfficerCivil ServantSupporting MemberTeam MemberHealth ProfessionalHealth Practitioner

Experience & Education

Managing Director at Willingham Enterprises, LLC, Partner at Cameron Development, Inc., City...
Real Estate Development/Tax Credits/ Business Consulting
Winchester, Virginia
Commercial Real Estate
Work history:
Willingham Enterprises, LLC - Winchester, VAManaging Directorsince Mar 2012Cameron Development, Inc. Partnersince 2007

Sheila Brown Winchester, VA

Professions & Specialties

Vocational AdviserCouncilorCounselor Education ProfessorEducational CounselorCounselorAdvisor

Experience & Education


Insights job corps
Outreach and admission counselor
Workforce job center - Middletown, VA
Career counselor

Aprel Anderson Winchester, VA

Professions & Specialties

Student AdvisorCounselor Education ProfessorEducational CounselorAdministrative AssociateAdministrative ClerkClerical Specialist

Experience & Education


Kforce government solutions, inc - Fairfax, VA
Administrative assistant specialist
American public university system - Manassas, VA
Student advisor

Daniel Johnston Nashville, TN

Professions & Specialties

CouncilorMusic ProfessorsCounselor Education ProfessorEducational CounselorMusic DirectorEquipment Tools Purchasing AgentDepartment Store SalespersonRetail ProfessionalRetail SalespersonResearch AssistantResearcherSurvey ResearcherMusic ArtistMusiciansSales Account AssociateSales ExecutiveProgram DirectorManagerSales ManagerHead ChefFood PreparerFood Preparation WorkerHead CookCounselorAssistant ManagerMixologistAdvisorManagersBartenderRestaurant ServerFood ServerMerchandise DisplayerVisual Merchandising SpecialistMerchandise Display Specialist

Experience & Education

Assistant Music Director at Christ Presbyterian Church
Greater Nashville Area
Work history:
Christ Presbyterian Church Assistant Music Directorsince Aug 2012Hope Presbyterian Church - Winston-Salem, NCSenior Sound TechJan 2012 - Jul 2012
Customer Experience, Service Excellence, Retail, Visual Merchandising, Vintage Clothing, Cellular,...

Counselor Education Professors near Winchester, VA012345DullesMartinsburgStrasburgMiddletownHamiltonFront RoyalStephens CityWoodstockHedgesville

Counselor Education Professors around Winchester, VA

Dulles  (5)
Front Royal  (1)
Hamilton  (1)
Hedgesville  (1)
Martinsburg  (3)
Strasburg  (2)
Woodstock  (1)

Counselor Education Professors in Virginia
