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Deans in Springfield, OR

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5 results found

Mike Fischnaller Eugene, OR

Professions & Specialties

DeanHigher Education ProfessionalSchool AdministratorEducational ManagerGovernorGovernment Administration OfficerCivil ServantVice PresidentChief ExecutiveLicensed Real Estate BrokerProperty ManagerReal Estate Manager

Experience & Education

Rotary District 5110 Leadership Academy Dean at Rotary District 5110 - Rotary Youth Leadership...
District Governor 2008-2009 Rotary District 5110
Eugene, Oregon Area
Real Estate
Work history:
Rotary District 5110 - Rotary Youth Leadership Academy Rotary District 5110 Leadership Academy Deansince 2011Eugene Executive Association Membersince 2005

Cynthia Rogers Springfield, OR

Professions & Specialties

DeanHigher Education ProfessionalSchool AdministratorEducational ManagerAdministrative AssociateAdministrative ClerkClerical SpecialistChief Executive OfficerCorporate ExecutiveChief Executive

Experience & Education


Media services
Administrative assistant for the general manager
Fm jones & sons - Springfield, OR
Contact dean jones

Jerry Mcsilvers Springfield, OR

Professions & Specialties

DeanHigher Education ProfessionalSchool AdministratorEducational ManagerTherapistFamily PractitionerPsychologistPhysical Therapy SpecialistGeneral PractitionerPhysicianPsychology SpecialistCounselorAdvisorMaster of ArtsBachelor of Arts

Experience & Education

Mental Health Therapist at Patch of Green Hazelnut Farm
Therapist & Farm Operator
Springfield, Oregon
Work history:
Patch of Green Hazelnut Farm - Springfield, OregonMental Health Therapistsince Apr 2010Christians As Family Advocates Marriage & Family TherapistFeb 2000 - Dec 2009
Spanish (moderately)

Alison Grossnicklaus Springfield, OR

Professions & Specialties

Higher Education ProfessionalSchool AdministratorEducational ManagerProgram AssistantAdministrative Medical AssistantMedical Support AssistantHealth Support WorkerHealthcare SupportChief Administrative OfficerChief ExecutiveOperations ManagerBachelor of ScienceResearcherSurvey ResearcherAdministrative ClerkClerical SpecialistWorkforce Development SpecialistTraining and Development

Experience & Education


University of oregon - Eugene, OR
Administrative program assistant
University of oregon, college of education academic programs - Eugene, OR
Administrative program specialist

Gavin Johnson Los Angeles, CA

Professions & Specialties

DeanHigher Education ProfessionalSchool AdministratorEducational ManagerSummer AssociateParalegalMaster of Business AdministrationTeam MemberCounselorAdvisorVice PresidentDirectorChief ExecutiveOperations ManagerEntertainment ProfessionalEntertainer

Experience & Education

Summer Associate at Deloitte, MBA Candidate, Class of 2014 at USC Marshall School of Business
Summer Associate at Deloitte
Los Angeles, California
Management Consulting
Work history:
Deloitte - Greater Los Angeles AreaSummer Associatesince Jun 2013USC Marshall School of Business - Greater Los Angeles AreaMBA Candidate, Class of 2014since Jul 2012

Deans near Springfield, OR03774111148185EugeneCorvallisSalemMonmouthRoseburgIndependencePhilomathAlbanyOakridgeOakland

Deans around Springfield, OR

Albany  (2)
Corvallis  (62)
Elmira  (1)
Eugene  (183)
Independence  (2)
Lebanon  (1)
Monmouth  (6)
Oakland  (1)
Oakridge  (1)
Philomath  (2)
Roseburg  (2)
Salem  (36)
Scio  (1)
Sutherlin  (1)

Deans in Oregon