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Deans in Waterbury, VT

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5 results found

Derek Archambault Burlington, VT

Professions & Specialties

Higher Education ProfessionalSchool AdministratorEducational ManagerChief Brand OfficerProduce ManagerChief ExecutiveProduction ManagerSupporting MemberSpokespersonTeam MemberRepresentativeAdvertising ProfessionalAdvertising Sales AgentChief Executive OfficerChairpersonFounderCorporate ExecutiveFounding MemberRecognitionMarketing ProfessionalSEO SpecialistBrand PlannerMarket Research AnalystWeb MarketerBrand RepresentativeSupplierConsumer Goods ProfessionalServices ProfessionalSales and Service SpecialistSales AgentSales RepresentativeCommodities ClerkPackage DesignerGraphic Design SpecialistCommercial DesignerGraphic DesignerBachelor of ScienceTraderCapital Markets ProfessionalFinancial Services ProfessionalFinancial Services Sales Agent

Experience & Education

Sr. Brand Manager at Green Mountain Coffee Roasters
Burlington, Vermont Area
Marketing and Advertising
Work history:
Green Mountain Coffee Roasters - Waterbury, VTSr. Brand Managersince Sep 2010Green Mountain Coffee Roasters - Waterbury, VTProduct Marketing ManagerAug 2009 - Sep 2010
Customer Insight, Event Planning, Marketing Strategy, Brand Management, Consumer Products,...
Marketing Manager at Dean Foods

Maryanne Watt Burlington, VT

Professions & Specialties

DeanHigher Education ProfessionalSchool AdministratorEducational ManagerAnalystAnalystsConsumer Goods ProfessionalCommodities ClerkResearch AnalystResearch AssistantResearcherSurvey ResearcherMarket AnalystMarket Research AnalystTraderCapital Markets ProfessionalFinancial Services ProfessionalFinancial Services Sales AgentTeam MemberMarketing ProfessionalAdvertising Sales AgentInformation Technology SpecialistDatabase Administration ProfessionalDatabase AdministratorIT SpecialistMarketing ManagerVice PresidentChief Executive

Experience & Education

Demand Planning Analyst II at Green Mountain Coffee Roasters
Burlington, Vermont Area
Consumer Goods
Work history:
Green Mountain Coffee Roasters - Waterbury, VTDemand Planning Analyst IIsince Oct 2012EMC Market Intelligence Research AnalystJan 2011 - Oct 2012

Dan Charland Waterbury, VT

Professions & Specialties

DeanHigher Education ProfessionalSchool AdministratorEducational ManagerTrainerChairpersonChief Executive

Experience & Education

Accomplished Professional Writer & Trainer
Waterbury, Vermont
Writing and Editing
Teaching, Instructional Design, Training, Curriculum Development, Public Speaking, Project...

Sandy Dibbell Hanover, NH

Professions & Specialties

DeanHigher Education ProfessionalSchool AdministratorEducational ManagerSupporting MemberOffice AssistantTeam MemberOffice ClerkClerical Specialist

Experience & Education

Assistant to the Associate Dean of the Faculty for the Social Sciences at Dartmouth College
Assistant to the Dean of Social Sciences at Dartmouth College
Hanover, New Hampshire
Higher Education
Work history:
Dartmouth College - Hanover, NHAssistant to the Associate Dean of the Faculty for the Social Sciencessince Nov 2010J.L. Davis Realty - Williston, VTOffice ManagerApr 1997 - Oct 2010

Becky Brodigan Portland, ME

Professions & Specialties

DeanHigher Education ProfessionalSchool AdministratorEducational ManagerVice PresidentDirectorChief ExecutiveOperations ManagerOffice AssistantTeam MemberOffice ClerkClerical SpecialistChancellorChief JudgeJudgeHuman Resources SpecialistRecruitment

Experience & Education

Vice President of Institutional Planning and Assessment at Bowdoin College
Portland, Maine Area
Education Management
Work history:
Bowdoin College Vice President of Institutional Planning and Assessmentsince Oct 2008Middlebury College Director, Institutional Research, Assessment and PlanningSep 1998 - Nov 2008
Higher Education, Institutional Research, IR external review consulting, IR Search consulting

Deans near Waterbury, VT063126189252315BurlingtonMontpelierColchesterShelburneEssex JunctionPlainfieldStarksboroWinooskiBarreJohnson

Deans around Waterbury, VT

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Brookfield  (1)
Burlington  (313)
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Chelsea  (1)
Colchester  (12)
Groton  (1)
Johnson  (2)
Montpelier  (12)
Moretown  (1)
Plainfield  (5)
Rochester  (2)
Shelburne  (6)
Starksboro  (3)
Stowe  (2)
Warren  (1)
Winooski  (3)

Deans in Vermont