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ESL Assistants in Crowley Lake, CA

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Here is a complete directory of most experienced ESL Assistants in Crowley Lake, CA.

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1 result found

Kelli Bosak Philadelphia, PA

Professions & Specialties

PedagogueESL TeacherTutorESL AssistantLanguage InstructorLanguage TeacherCoordinatorVolunteerNon-ProfitOrganization ManagementManagersOperations ManagerTranslatorBilingual Communications SpecialistLinguistLanguage SpecialistBachelor of ArtsStudent Worker

Experience & Education

Site Coordinator at LIFT - Philadelphia
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Nonprofit Organization Management
Work history:
LIFT - Philadelphia - Philadelphia, PASite Coordinator/AmeriCorps National DirectJul 2011 - Jul 2013Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum - Ann Arbor, MIOutreach and Public Programs AssistantSep 2010 - May 2011
French, English

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ESL Assistants around Crowley Lake, CA

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ESL Assistants in California


ESL Teacher  (1)