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ESL Teachers in Natick, MA

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7 results found

Kathleen Glennon Natick, MA

Professions & Specialties

Language TeacherESL TeacherESL AssistantLanguage InstructorEducatorEducation ProfessionalInstructorOperations Manager

Experience & Education


Worcester state university - Worcester, MA
Esl teacher
Embassy study group
English as a second language teacher

Daniel Hausermann Natick, MA

Professions & Specialties

Educational Assistant TeacherEducatorEducation ProfessionalInstructorLecturerPostsecondary TeacherESL AssistantLanguage InstructorLanguage TeacherTeaching AssistantTeam LeaderOperations ManagerModelBloggerAuthoressAuthorBachelor of ArtsHunter

Experience & Education

6th Grade ELA Teacher at Natick Public Schools
Natick, Massachusetts
Primary/Secondary Education
Work history:
Natick Public Schools - Wilson Middle School, Natick, MA6th Grade ELA Teachersince Jul 2012Harlem Success Academy 3 Grade Team Lead TeacherAug 2011 - Jul 2012
Teaching, Curriculum Design, Tutoring, Writing, Classroom, Teacher Training, Lesson Planning,...
ESL Teacher at Ahjung Middle School

Jennifer Henningson Natick, MA

Professions & Specialties

ESL TeacherESL AssistantLanguage InstructorLanguage TeacherAccount Service ManagerClient Service OfficerCustomer ServiceRetail SalespersonManagerOperations ManagerRepresentativeAnalystsBachelor of Arts

Experience & Education


Bose corporation - Framingham, MA
Americas international markets account specialist
Bose corporation - framingham, ma
Latin markets account coordinator

Raisa Araya Boston, MA

Professions & Specialties

ESL TeacherInstructorPedagogueESL AssistantLanguage InstructorLanguage TeacherSoftware EngineerInformation Technology SpecialistSoftware DevelopersIT SpecialistIndependent ContractorLife CoachCounselorContractorAdvisorDesignersTherapistPhysical Therapy SpecialistCertified Nurse AideNurseNurse PractitionerSports TrainerSports TrainersIndependent Business OwnersComputer ScientistsHealth ProfessionalHealth PractitionerAccounting BookkeeperBookkeeper

Experience & Education

Certified TESOL instructor at Self-employed ESL teacher, Law of Attraction Life Coach at Ayeeya...
Data Warehousing and ETL software engineer
Greater Boston Area
Information Technology and Services
Work history:
Self-employed ESL teacher - worldCertified TESOL instructorsince Jun 2011Ayeeya Life Coaching Law of Attraction Life Coachsince Oct 2009
Spanish, Russian

Henry Wu Boston, MA

Professions & Specialties

ESL AssistantLanguage InstructorLanguage TeacherAdvertising ProfessionalAdvertising Sales AgentProgram AssociateLeaderManagersProject ManagersOrganization ManagementAdvisorOperations ManagerGraphic Design SpecialistGraphic DesignerBachelor of Science

Experience & Education

Product Expert at BEAM Interactive
Product Expert
Greater Boston Area
Marketing and Advertising
Work history:
BEAM Interactive - Boston, MAProduct Expertsince May 2012Apple - Boylston Street, Boston, MAApple Store Leader Program AssociateAug 2011 - May 2012
Chinese - Cantonese
ESL Teacher and Youth Worker

Nikki Olivas Houston, TX

Professions & Specialties

TutorEducatorEducation ProfessionalInstructorESL AssistantLanguage InstructorLanguage TeacherCoordinatorService ManagerManagersService Operations ExpertOperations ManagerApprenticeAdvisorEditorial AssistantEditing ProfessionalWriting and Editing ProfessionalWriter and EditorMaster of EducationBachelor of ArtsWellness and FitnessStudent Worker

Experience & Education

Coordinator, Student Assistance Center at University of Houston-Clear Lake
Houston, Texas
Higher Education
Work history:
University of Houston-Clear Lake - Houston, TXCoordinator, Student Assistance Centersince Apr 2012Long Term Solutions - Natick, MAClient Service ManagerMay 2011 - Feb 2012
ESL Teacher at Eleutian Technology

Masako Atake Boston, MA

Professions & Specialties

InstructorPedagogueTutorTeaching AssistantEducational Assistant TeacherESL TeacherESL AssistantLanguage InstructorLanguage TeacherVolunteerNon-ProfitAgentSales RepresentativeAdvisorAdministrative AssociateAdministrative ClerkClerical SpecialistBachelors DegreeFounding MemberChief ExecutiveOperations Manager

Experience & Education

Administrator, Volunteer at Japanese Class for Parents at Japanese Language School of Greater Boston
Japanese Class for Parents at Japanese Langage School of Greater Boston
Greater Boston Area
Higher Education
Work history:
Japanese Class for Parents at Japanese Language School of Greater Boston - Medford, MAAdministrator, Volunteersince 2010Japanese Class for Parents at Japanese Language School of Greater Boston Instructor2011 - 2012
English, German, Japanese

ESL Teachers near Natick, MA01020304050CambridgeWalthamFraminghamBrooklineNewtonArlingtonHollistonWatertownWellesleyBelmont

ESL Teachers around Natick, MA

Acton  (2)
Arlington  (6)
Bedford  (1)
Bellingham  (3)
Belmont  (3)
Brookline  (10)
Cambridge  (48)
Dedham  (2)
Dover  (1)
Framingham  (13)
Franklin  (3)
Holliston  (4)
Hopkinton  (2)
Lexington  (2)
Milford  (3)
Millis  (1)
Needham  (3)
Newton  (10)
Norwood  (2)
Sharon  (1)
Southborough  (2)
Walpole  (2)
Waltham  (15)
Watertown  (4)
Wayland  (1)
Wellesley  (3)
Wrentham  (1)

ESL Teachers in Massachusetts


ESL Teacher  (7)