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Educators in Shohola, PA

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3 results found

Patricia Mckean Shohola, PA

Professions & Specialties

Substitute TeacherEducatorEducation ProfessionalInstructorTeaching AssistantSpecial Education ProfessorsBusiness AdministratorOperations Manager

Experience & Education


Delaware valley elementary
Substitute teacher
Delaware valley elementary
Student teaching - autistic support

Robin Riebel Shohola, PA

Professions & Specialties

Substitute TeacherEducatorEducation ProfessionalInstructorCustomer ServiceClient Service OfficerCustomer Service AssociateSupporting MemberTeam Member

Experience & Education


The home depot
Customer service associate
Western wayne high school
Substitute teacher


Customer Service Project Management, Cash Management & Vault Balancing, Written & Verbal...

Joseph Zenes Shohola, PA

Professions & Specialties

Substitute TeacherEducatorEducation ProfessionalInstructorMaintenance ManagerConstruction ManagerFacility ManagerFacilities SpecialistConstruction

Experience & Education


Port jervis school district
Substitute teacher
East stroudsburg school district long
Term substitute teacher

Educators near Shohola, PA01224364860East StroudsburgPort JervisMilfordMonticelloHonesdaleHawleyLibertyWesttownWurtsboroGlenwood

Educators around Shohola, PA

Augusta  (2)
Bushkill  (6)
Callicoon  (1)
Canadensis  (5)
Cresco  (6)
Eldred  (1)
Ferndale  (1)
Glen Spey  (5)
Glenwood  (8)
Greeley  (3)
Greendell  (1)
Greentown  (2)
Harris  (4)
Hawley  (10)
Honesdale  (13)
Huguenot  (2)
Hurleyville  (2)
Johnson  (1)
Kenoza Lake  (1)
Lafayette  (6)
Liberty  (10)
Matamoras  (3)
Milford  (19)
Monticello  (15)
Narrowsburg  (3)
Otisville  (3)
Pine Island  (3)
Port Jervis  (27)
Rock Hill  (2)
Slate Hill  (3)
Stillwater  (2)
Swan Lake  (1)
Swartswood  (4)
Tafton  (2)
Unionville  (2)
Westtown  (9)
White Lake  (1)
Woodridge  (1)
Wurtsboro  (9)
Youngsville  (1)

Educators in Pennsylvania
