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Educators in Starrucca, PA

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1 result found

Amanda Kozub Virgil, NY

Professions & Specialties

Substitute TeacherEducatorEducation ProfessionalInstructorAnimatorPainterCertified Nurse AideNurseNurse PractitionerOwnerChief ExecutiveDesignerWeb DesignerWebsite DeveloperDepartment SupervisorManagerOperations ManagerBachelor of Fine ArtsMarshalLawyerGraphic Design SpecialistGraphic DesignerNon-ProfitDepartment Store SalespersonRetail ProfessionalRetail Salesperson

Experience & Education

Digital Artist and Character Animator
Cortland, New York
Work history:
Homer Central School District - Homer, NYSubstitute TeacherMay 2005 - Dec 2012Pandemonium Creations - Cortland, NYOwner and DesignerDec 2010 - Nov 2012
Photoshop, Maya, Animation, After Effects, Character Animation, Computer Animation, Illustrator, 3D ...

Educators near Starrucca, PA077154231308385ScrantonBinghamtonOlyphantHonesdaleHawleyLake ArielWindsorPeckvilleWaltonFactoryville

Educators around Starrucca, PA

Binghamton  (135)
Brackney  (1)
Callicoon  (1)
Conklin  (5)
Dalton  (2)
Downsville  (3)
Equinunk  (2)
Factoryville  (8)
Fishs Eddy  (1)
Great Bend  (2)
Hallstead  (2)
Hankins  (1)
Harpursville  (2)
Hawley  (10)
Honesdale  (13)
Hop Bottom  (1)
Jessup  (4)
La Plume  (3)
Lake Ariel  (9)
Lakewood  (2)
Montrose  (6)
New Milford  (3)
Nicholson  (1)
Olyphant  (17)
Orson  (1)
Peckville  (9)
Poyntelle  (2)
Scranton  (382)
Sidney  (7)
Starlight  (1)
Susquehanna  (5)
Thompson  (1)
Union Dale  (1)
Walton  (8)
Waverly  (2)
Waymart  (4)
Windsor  (9)

Educators in Pennsylvania
