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Higher Education Professionals in Phenix City, AL

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6 results found

Ivonne Rosado Phenix City, AL

Professions & Specialties

DeanInstructorPedagogueHigher Education ProfessionalSchool AdministratorEducational ManagerSupporting MemberAdministrative AssociateTeam MemberAdministrative ClerkClerical SpecialistOffice AssistantTechnicianBusiness AdministratorLogistics Supply Chain ProfessionalManagersAdvisorOffice ClerkTechnical SpecialistTechnical Support SpecialistsSenior Vice PresidentTechnology DirectorVice PresidentChief ExecutiveTechnology ManagerTechnical ManagersMarketing ManagerOperations ManagerMarketing AdministratorMarket AnalystMarket Research AnalystSecretaryMedical Laboratory TechnicianPhlebotomy TechnicianMedical Laboratory ProfessionalMedical Laboratory TechnologistPhlebotomistTranslatorBilingual Communications SpecialistLinguistLanguage SpecialistLegal AideParalegalLitigation Support SpecialistArticled ClerkLawyersCustomer ServiceClient Service OfficerAssociate of ArtsComputer Software ProfessionalSoftware DevelopersLogistician

Experience & Education

Administrative Assistant to the Associate Dean for Workforce and Technical Education at...
Admin. Assistant to the Associate Dean for Workforce and Technical Education at Chattahoochee Valley Community College
Phenix City, Alabama
Education Management
Work history:
Chattahoochee Valley Community College - Phenix City, ALAdministrative Assistant to the Associate Dean for Workforce and Technical Educationsince Jan 2013Boston Reed College Instructor Assistant - PhlebotomyFeb 2012 - Apr 2013

Ivonne Rosado Phenix City, AL

Professions & Specialties

DeanHigher Education ProfessionalSchool AdministratorEducational ManagerManagerOperations ManagerAdministrative AssociateSupporting MemberCounselorAdministrative ClerkClerical SpecialistTeam MemberAdvisorLegal AideParalegalOffice ClerkLitigation Support SpecialistPhlebotomist

Experience & Education


Chattahoochee valley community college
Administrative assistant to the associate dean for workforce and technical education
Knox budget car sales - Fort Knox, KY
Internet content manager/creative consultant


Professional Executive/Administrative Assistant, computer literacy; extensive internet experience...

Angel Welker Phenix City, AL

Professions & Specialties

DeanHigher Education ProfessionalSchool AdministratorEducational ManagerCustomer ServiceClient Service OfficerOffice AssistantMechanicOffice ClerkClerical Specialist

Experience & Education


Colorado springs early colleges
Executive assistant to the academic dean
Army national guard
Wheeled vehicle mechanic

Rhonda Vanhaerents Phenix City, AL

Professions & Specialties

DeanHigher Education ProfessionalSchool AdministratorEducational ManagerNon-Profit Organization Management ProfessionalOrganization ManagementNon-ProfitTherapistPhysical Therapy SpecialistMedical Record TranscriberMedical TranscriptionistClinical Data Management ProfessionalHealth Information SpecialistHealthcare SupportOperations ManagerClerical SpecialistAdministrative ClerkChairpersonChief ExecutiveMaster of ScienceBachelor of ScienceDepartment Store SalespersonRetail ProfessionalRetail SalespersonLaboratory Scientist

Experience & Education

Highly Educated House Wife at My House
Non-Profit Organization Management Professional
Phenix City, Alabama
Nonprofit Organization Management
Work history:
My House Highly Educated House WifeFlorida Youth Academy - Largo, Florida (no longer there)Juvenile TherapistFeb 2003 - Feb 2004

Willie Marshall Tuskegee Institute, AL

Professions & Specialties

Higher Education ProfessionalSchool AdministratorEducational ManagerVolunteerNon-ProfitDirectorOperations ManagerPsychologistMaster of DivinityBachelor of SciencePsychology Specialist

Experience & Education


Ged testing
Volunteer for the goodwill easter seals ged literacy program of the gulf coast
Christian education for the alabama a.m.e.c

Nichol Cleveland Phenix City, AL

Professions & Specialties

Higher Education ProfessionalSchool AdministratorEducational ManagerRepresentativeDeputy DirectorDeputy ManagerChief ExecutiveCounselorSupervisorManagersAdvisorSite ManagerConstruction SpecialistConstruction Laborer

Experience & Education


Martin army community hospital
Contact representative
Fmwr, cyss
Assistant director

Higher Education Professionals near Phenix City, AL024487296120AuburnColumbusOpelikaTuskegee InstituteWest PointLagrangeSalemPittsviewValleyMidland

Higher Education Professionals around Phenix City, AL

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Luthersville  (1)
Midland  (2)
Notasulga  (1)
Opelika  (6)
Pittsview  (2)
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Higher Education Professionals in Alabama


Dean  (6)