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Language Instructors in Salisbury, CT

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2 results found

Jean Mandigo Salisbury, CT

Professions & Specialties

Language TeacherKindergarten TeacherSubstitute TeacherESL TeacherSpecial Education ProfessionalKindergarten TeachersEducatorEducation ProfessionalInstructorESL AssistantLanguage InstructorSpecial Education ProfessorsBachelor of ScienceLibrarian

Experience & Education


Salisbury school
Learning specialist
Kiski school - Saltsburg, PA
English as a second language teacher

Peter Wood New York, NY

Professions & Specialties

Spanish LecturerLanguage InstructorLanguage TeacherDirectorOperations ManagerSki CoachSports Game Coach

Experience & Education

Director of Summer Programs/Spanish Teacher at Salisbury School, Ski Instructor at Ski Butternut
Director of Summer Programs/Spanish Teacher at Salisbury School
Greater New York City Area
Education Management
Work history:
Salisbury School - Salisbury, CTDirector of Summer Programs/Spanish Teachersince 2011Ski Butternut - Great Barrington, MASki Instructorsince 2006
English, Spanish

Language Instructors near Salisbury, CT02468LitchfieldHudsonRhinebeckLakevilleKentWashington DepotLenoxStockbridgeCanaanSheffield

Language Instructors around Salisbury, CT

Amenia  (1)
Austerlitz  (1)
Canaan  (2)
Copake  (1)
Dover Plains  (1)
Hudson  (5)
Kent  (3)
Kinderhook  (1)
Lakeville  (3)
Lenox  (3)
Litchfield  (7)
Rhinebeck  (3)
Sheffield  (2)
South Kent  (2)
Southfield  (1)

Language Instructors in Connecticut
