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Language Instructors in Stillwater, OK

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5 results found

Julie Bills Oklahoma City, OK

Professions & Specialties

Spanish LecturerLanguage InstructorLanguage TeacherEnglish Language TeacherESL TeacherLecturerHigh School TeacherSecondary School TeacherESL AssistantPostsecondary TeacherAdvertising ProfessionalAdvertising Sales Agent

Experience & Education

ELL Specialist
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Area
Education Management
Work history:
Stillwater Public Schools ELL SpecialistAug 2009 - Aug 2012Stillwater Public Schools Spanish Teacher1987 - 2009

Angela Vivar Stillwater, OK

Professions & Specialties

Spanish LecturerLanguage InstructorLanguage TeacherCoordinatorManagersCounselorAdvisorManagerOperations ManagerOncologistPsychologistMedical Practice ProfessionalMedical PractitionerRecruitmentPsychology Specialist

Experience & Education

RISE Coordinator at Oklahoma State University
Diversity and Inclusion, RISE Coordinator at Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, Oklahoma
Higher Education
Work history:
Oklahoma State University - Oklahoma State UniversityRISE Coordinatorsince Jun 2012Morrison Public Schools Secondary Spanish TeacherJul 2011 - Jan 2012
Teaching, Microsoft Office, Public Speaking, Event Planning, Social Media, Customer Service, Higher ...

Julie Bills Stillwater, OK

Professions & Specialties

Spanish LecturerLanguage InstructorLanguage Teacher

Experience & Education


Stillwater public schools - Stillwater, OK
Ell specialist
Stillwater public schools - Stillwater, OK
Spanish teacher

Jon Bakos Stillwater, OK

Professions & Specialties

Associate ProfessorLecturerPostsecondary TeacherLanguage InstructorLanguage TeacherEditorial AssistantEditing ProfessionalWriting and Editing ProfessionalWriter and EditorDesignersDoctor of PhilosophyGraphic Design SpecialistGraphic DesignerResearcherSurvey ResearcherAdvisor

Experience & Education


Oklahoma state university
Visiting assistant professor in tesl/linguistics
Journal of linguistic geography - Stillwater, OK
Editorial assistant to william labov and dennis r. preston


Spanish Six years of high school and college study FAVE Online acoustic analysis suite...

Phyllis Mclemore Tulsa, OK

Professions & Specialties

English Language TeacherHigh School TeacherSecondary School TeacherLanguage InstructorLanguage TeacherPublic Relations OfficerVolunteerCounselorPR and Communications ProfessionalPublic Relations SpecialistPublic Relations ProfessinalNon-ProfitAdvisorIndependent ContractorManagersContractorAgentSales RepresentativeSecretaryAssociate of ArtsVideo EditorEditing ProfessionalWriting and Editing ProfessionalWriter and EditorGovernment Administration OfficerCivil ServantOperations ManagerIndependent Business Owners

Experience & Education

English teacher at Facultad de Lenguas de Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Volunteer at Th...
Public Relations Professional and English teacher in Mexico
Tulsa, Oklahoma Area
Public Relations and Communications
Work history:
Facultad de Lenguas de Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla - Puebla, MexicoEnglish teachersince Aug 2012The MICAH Foundation Inc. - Stillwater, OKVolunteersince Sep 2009

Language Instructors near Stillwater, OK01938577695Oklahoma CityEdmondCushingPonca CityRed RockChandlerPrague

Language Instructors around Stillwater, OK

Chandler  (1)
Cushing  (1)
Edmond  (13)
Oklahoma City  (94)
Ponca City  (1)
Prague  (1)
Red Rock  (1)

Language Instructors in Oklahoma
