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Lead Teachers in Vandiver Village, MO

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1 result found

Omar Melendez Vandiver Village, MO

Professions & Specialties

Associate ProfessorLecturerPostsecondary TeacherProgram DirectorOperations ManagerFashion DesignFashion Designer

Experience & Education


Raffles millennium international
Program director fashion design & fashion marketing and management
Instituto europeo di design - Barcelona, Barcelona
Associate professor program fashion design

Lead Teachers near Vandiver Village, MO01530456075ColumbiaJefferson CityBenton CityFayetteMoberlyHawk PointMontgomery CityHolts SummitTebbetts

Lead Teachers around Vandiver Village, MO

Benton City  (2)
Columbia  (71)
Fayette  (2)
Hawk Point  (1)
Holts Summit  (1)
Moberly  (2)

Lead Teachers in Missouri


Lead Teacher  (1)