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School Principals in Carrizo Springs, TX

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Here is a complete list of most available School Principals in Carrizo Springs, TX.

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2 results found

Manuel Saldana Carrizo Springs, TX

Professions & Specialties

High School PrincipalSchool PrincipalHigh School Math TeacherSchool AdministratorEducational ManagerHigh School TeacherSecondary School TeacherDirectorOperations Manager

Experience & Education


Carrizo springs cisd - Carrizo Springs, TX
Director of federal programs/ high school principal/ assistant principal/ high school math teacher


Computer Microsoft programs of Outlook, Word and Excel; calculator, fax and copier.

Frances Deming Carrizo Springs, TX

Professions & Specialties

School PrincipalSchool AdministratorEducational ManagerExecutive Office ProfessionalClerical SpecialistHuman Resources SpecialistRecruitmentSecretary

Experience & Education


Carrizo springs cons
Executive secretary for human resources
Carrizo springs cisd - Carrizo Springs, TX
Secretary to the principal

School Principals near Carrizo Springs, TX01326395265LaredoUvaldeEagle PassCrystal CityPearsallSabinal

School Principals around Carrizo Springs, TX

Crystal City  (2)
Eagle Pass  (4)
Laredo  (63)
Pearsall  (1)
Sabinal  (1)
Uvalde  (5)

School Principals in Texas


School Principal  (2)