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Secondary School Teachers in Mebane, NC

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5 results found

Toecia Land Mebane, NC

Professions & Specialties

English Language TeacherHigh School TeacherSecondary School TeacherMaster of Social WorkBachelor of ArtsStudent WorkerSports Trainers

Experience & Education


Hugh m. cummings high school
English teacher
San pasqual academy (spa) - Escondido, CA
Residential care worker

Dj Austin Graham, NC

Professions & Specialties

English Language TeacherHigh School TeacherSecondary School TeacherSales PersonSales RepresentativeIndependent Business OwnersBilingual Communications SpecialistLinguistLanguage Specialist

Experience & Education

Craftsman, Artist, Writer and Salesman at KallistoCrafts
Craftsman and Salesman at KallistoCrafts
Graham, North Carolina
Fine Art
Work history:
KallistoCrafts - North CarolinaCraftsman, Artist, Writer and Salesmansince Apr 1983Alamance Community College, Graham, NC - Mebane, NCTeacher of English as a Second LanguageJan 2002 - Jun 2006

R. Greenway Mebane, NC

Professions & Specialties

Secondary School TeacherIT ManagerInformation Technology DirectorManagerOperations ManagerMaster of EducationBachelor of ScienceConstruction ManagerTechnical SpecialistTechnical Support Specialists

Experience & Education


Duke health technology solutions
It manager
Duke university computer repair - Durham, NC


Licensed General Contractor
Microsoft Office Suit (Excel, Word, PowerPoint), Data Base...

Kimberly Nielson Atlanta, GA

Professions & Specialties

English Language TeacherWriting CoachTutorInstructorPedagogueHigh School TeacherSecondary School TeacherProfessional Development TeacherCounselorAdvisorEntertainer

Experience & Education

Academic Tutor & Writing Coach at private
English teacher/Educational Consultant
Greater Atlanta Area
Writing and Editing
Work history:
Private - Mebane, NCAcademic Tutor & Writing Coachsince Jan 2011Duke University Duke Young Writers InstructorJun 2010 - Jul 2010

Erin Schneider Raleigh, NC

Professions & Specialties

InstructorPedagogueHigh School TeacherSecondary School TeacherTellerDirector of OperationsOperations ManagerEquipment Tools Purchasing AgentDepartment Store SalespersonRetail ProfessionalRetail SalespersonSales ManagerSales ExecutiveSports TrainerSports Game CoachSports TrainersVolunteerNon-ProfitFinance and Accounting SpecialistAccounting BookkeeperBookkeeper

Experience & Education

Teller at State Employees Credit Union
Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina Area
Higher Education
Work history:
State Employees Credit Union - Elon, NCTellerMar 2010 - Mar 2012Horace Mann Insurance Co Operations SupervisorDec 2008 - Nov 2009

Secondary School Teachers near Mebane, NC058116174232290GreensboroDurhamChapel HillDanvilleBurlingtonCarrboroHillsboroughApexGrahamPittsboro

Secondary School Teachers around Mebane, NC

Apex  (10)
Bear Creek  (1)
Burlington  (19)
Butner  (2)
Carrboro  (15)
Chapel Hill  (81)
Danville  (24)
Durham  (141)
Gibsonville  (2)
Graham  (9)
Greensboro  (288)
Haw River  (1)
Hillsborough  (10)
Pelham  (1)
Pittsboro  (8)
Reidsville  (5)
Ringgold  (1)
Roxboro  (6)
Siler City  (1)
Snow Camp  (3)
Timberlake  (2)
Whitsett  (3)
Yanceyville  (1)

Secondary School Teachers in North Carolina