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Area Sales Managers in Walworth, NY

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1 result found

Martin Flamm Walworth, NY

Professions & Specialties

Area Sales ManagerRegional Sales ConsultantSales RepresentativeSupervisorManagersMaintenance ManagerConstruction ManagerEngineering ManagerProcess EngineerIndustrial EngineerTechnology ManagerOperations ManagerTechnical ManagersAccount ManagerBachelor of ScienceSchool AdministratorEducational Manager

Experience & Education


Coopervision inc. - Scottsville, NY
Technical services supervisor
Guardian industries - Geneva, NY
Maintenance manager

Area Sales Managers near Walworth, NY0120240360480600RochesterCanandaiguaFairportPittsfordWebsterVictorHoneoye FallsPenfieldOntarioEast Rochester

Area Sales Managers around Walworth, NY

Canandaigua  (26)
Fairport  (23)
Fishers  (1)
Geneva  (2)
Henrietta  (3)
Lima  (1)
Macedon  (3)
Mendon  (2)
Ontario  (4)
Palmyra  (3)
Penfield  (5)
Pittsford  (18)
Rochester  (597)
Victor  (7)
Webster  (17)

Area Sales Managers in New York


Area Sales Manager  (1)