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Retail Professionals in Berkley, MA

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6 results found

Jeffrey Jusseaume Berkley, MA

Professions & Specialties

Equipment Tools Purchasing AgentDepartment Store SalespersonRetail ProfessionalRetail SalespersonTechnicianTechnical SpecialistTechnical Support SpecialistsManagerOperations Manager

Experience & Education


Pepsi beverage company
Marketing equipment management technician
A division of raymond corporation - Lawrence, MA
Information technologies assitant manager

Kathrine Dutka Berkley, MA

Professions & Specialties

Retail ProfessionalRetail SalespersonSupervisorManagersSales ManagerSales Director

Experience & Education


Bath and body works
Retail sales supervisor
Ross simon jewlery - Wrentham, MA
Sales manager assistant


Certified dca Gia graduate

Ashley Costa Providence, RI

Professions & Specialties

Client Service OfficerRetail SalespersonMedical AssistantHealthcare SupportAccounts ReceivableAccounts PayableAccounts Payable SpecialistMedical Practice ProfessionalMedical PractitionerPsychology SpecialistLeaderSupporting MemberOffice ClerkClerical SpecialistManagersTeam MemberPersonnel ManagerHuman Resources SpecialistPersonnel SpecialistRecruitmentCustomer Service

Experience & Education

Administration at New Bedford Shellfish, Medical Assistant at Foot and Ankle Institute of New England
Medical Assistant at the Foot and Ankle Institute of New England
Providence, Rhode Island Area
Medical Practice
Work history:
New Bedford Shellfish Administrationsince Sep 2012Foot and Ankle Institute of New England - Middletown, RIMedical Assistantsince Sep 2012
Visual Merchandising, Driving Results, Store Operations, Store Management, Loss Prevention,...
Retail Sales

Leon Ells Berkley, MA

Professions & Specialties

SupervisorTechnicianManagersTechnical SpecialistTechnical Support SpecialistsManagerOperations Manager

Experience & Education


Heat transfer products, inc
Production manufacturing supervisor/manager
Reebok international ltd - Canton, MA
Computer support technician


Automated and Robotic equipment knowledge; MS Word, Excel and Powerpoint efficient; Internet and...

Robert Schultz Berkley, MA

Professions & Specialties

Equipment Tools Purchasing AgentDepartment Store SalespersonRetail ProfessionalRetail Salesperson

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#6757551  Jun 29, 2004

Filed: Apr 20, 2001

Edward G. Newman (Fairfax Station, VA)
Hussein Sallam (Columbia, MD)
Peter A. Ronzani (Los Gatos, CA)
Robert G. Schultz (Berkley, MA)
Richard Ng (Centreville, VA)
09/839426 Xybernaut Corporation (Fairfax, VA)
International Classification: H04B 138U.S. Classification: 4555561, 4555562, 455346, 455349, 4555751, 361681, 361686
Personal communicator
This invention provides a single unit called a personal communicator that combines the functions of ...
What is claimed is: 1. A personal communicator comprising in combination three modules, said...

Charles Sylvia Boston, MA

Professions & Specialties

Department Store SalespersonRetail ProfessionalRetail SalespersonDirector of Customer OperationsManagerMarketing ManagerOperations ManagerEntrepreneurManagersAdvertising ProfessionalAdvertising Sales AgentChief ExecutiveSalesForce AdministratorDatabase Administration ProfessionalDatabase AdministratorAutomotive SpecialistAutomotive ProfessionalSports Trainers

Experience & Education

Account Director at Access TCA
Account Director with Access TCA | Entrepreneur
Greater Boston Area
Marketing and Advertising
Work history:
Access TCA - Greater Boston AreaAccount Directorsince Oct 2010Access TCA - Greater Boston AreaManager, Alpha Markets GroupOct 2010 - Jul 2011

Retail Professionals near Berkley, MA09821,9642,9463,9284,910ProvidenceBrocktonFall RiverNew BedfordMansfieldPawtucketTauntonEast ProvidenceNorth AttleboroStoughton

Retail Professionals around Berkley, MA

Abington  (50)
Assonet  (15)
Avon  (42)
Barrington  (29)
Bristol  (71)
Brockton  (304)
Carver  (26)
Central Falls  (25)
Dartmouth  (111)
Dighton  (4)
East Providence  (166)
Easton  (69)
Fairhaven  (62)
Fall River  (283)
Halifax  (9)
Hanson  (18)
Holbrook  (27)
Mansfield  (219)
Mattapoisett  (13)
Middleboro  (87)
New Bedford  (231)
North Attleboro  (139)
Norton  (75)
Pawtucket  (217)
Plympton  (7)
Portsmouth  (61)
Providence  (4,907)
Raynham  (99)
Rehoboth  (24)
Rochester  (7)
Seekonk  (36)
Sharon  (47)
Stoughton  (124)
Swansea  (32)
Taunton  (178)
Tiverton  (33)
Warren  (27)
West Wareham  (5)
Whitman  (30)

Retail Professionals in Massachusetts
