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Retail Professionals in Gill, MA

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7 results found

Lois Brown Gill, MA

Professions & Specialties

Equipment Tools Purchasing AgentDepartment Store SalespersonRetail ProfessionalRetail SalespersonAdministrative AssociateAdministrative CoordinatorAdministrative ClerkClerical SpecialistHuman Resources SpecialistRecruitmentDirectorDeputy DirectorOperations ManagerDeputy ManagerChief Executive

Experience & Education

Administrative Assistant to Director of Human Resources at University of Massachusetts Amherst
Administrative Assistant for Residential Life/Human Resources at University of Massachusetts Amherst
Northfield, Massachusetts
Human Resources
Work history:
University of Massachusetts Amherst - Berkshire HouseAdministrative Assistant to Director of Human Resourcessince Oct 2007UMass Amherst Assistant to the Assistant Director of Residence LifeOct 2007 - Jan 2012

Philip Rowland Gill, MA

Professions & Specialties

Equipment Tools Purchasing AgentDepartment Store SalespersonRetail ProfessionalRetail SalespersonCounselorIndependent ContractorAdvisorContractorSoftware EngineerComputer Software ProfessionalSoftware DevelopersDirector of OperationsCo-FounderOperations ManagerFounderFounding MemberChief ExecutiveIndependent Business Owners

Experience & Education

Consultant, Software Design, Mechanical Engineering at Self Employed Consultant
Consultant, Software Design, Mechanical Engineering
Northfield, Massachusetts
Computer Software
Work history:
Self Employed Consultant - Northfield, MAConsultant, Software Design, Mechanical Engineeringsince Jan 2011Secure Media Delivery - DenverDirector of Operations2006 - 2009

Thomas Burns Gill, MA

Professions & Specialties

Produce AssociateRetail ProfessionalRetail SalespersonPrinting SupervisorTechnicianPrint WorkerTechnical SpecialistTechnical Support Specialists

Experience & Education


Judd wire
Inkjet printer technician
Super stop and shop - Greenfield, MA
Produce clerk

Mark Maroni Gill, MA

Professions & Specialties

Equipment Tools Purchasing AgentDepartment Store SalespersonRetail ProfessionalRetail SalespersonLogistics Supply Chain ProfessionalLogistician

Experience & Education

Unemployment at l
unemployed seeking opportunities
Gill, Massachusetts
Logistics and Supply Chain
Work history:
L UnemploymentControl Module Industries Stockroom ReceiverSep 2010 - Sep 2012

Robert Dickerman Gill, MA

Professions & Specialties

Equipment Tools Purchasing AgentDepartment Store SalespersonRetail ProfessionalRetail Salesperson

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#6750660  Jun 15, 2004

Filed: Sep 12, 2001

Robert L. Dickerman (Northfield, MA)
Terry M. Grayson (Granby, CT)
09/950959 Alstom Technology Ltd (Baden)
International Classification: G01R 2708U.S. Classification: 324691, 324705
Apparatus for evaluating data representing the electrical characteristics of a combustion vessel
An apparatus for evaluating data representing the electrical characteristics of a combustion...
What is claimed is: 1. An apparatus for evaluating data representing the electrical characteristics ...

David Bernier Gill, MA

Professions & Specialties

Retail SalespersonEntrepreneurSuperintendentManagersSupervisorsChief Executive

Experience & Education


Vmk corporation - Brooklyn, NY
Project superintendent
Nys office of general services - Wallkill, NY
Engineer in charge


Timeline management skills managing men and equipment.

Joshua Throckmorton Philadelphia, PA

Professions & Specialties

Department Store SalespersonRetail ProfessionalRetail SalespersonApprenticeCoordinatorCounselorManagersAdvisorBaseball CoachSports Game CoachStudent WorkerReceptionistFront Desk ClerkSupporting MemberOffice ClerkClerical SpecialistCommunications Equipment OperatorFront Office ReceptionistTeam MemberAthletic AdministratorSports ManagerProgram DirectorChief ExecutiveOperations ManagerEntertainment ProfessionalEntertainer

Experience & Education

Summer Program Faculty Intern and Athletics Coordinator at The Loomis-Chaffee School, Assistant...
Summer Program Faculty Intern and Athletics Coordinator at The Loomis-Chaffee School
Greater Philadelphia Area
Higher Education
Work history:
The Loomis-Chaffee School - Windsor, CTSummer Program Faculty Intern and Athletics Coordinatorsince Jun 2013Swarthmore College - Swarthmore, PAAssistant Baseball Coachsince Feb 2013

Retail Professionals near Gill, MA04896144192240AmherstKeeneChicopeeHolyokeBrattleboroGreenfieldRoyalstonOrangeLudlowWinchendon

Retail Professionals around Gill, MA

Amherst  (238)
Ashfield  (2)
Barre  (8)
Belchertown  (14)
Bondsville  (2)
Brattleboro  (60)
Buckland  (1)
Charlemont  (5)
Chesterfield  (7)
Chesterfield  (1)
Chicopee  (123)
Colrain  (4)
Conway  (1)
Erving  (3)
Fitzwilliam  (5)
Granby  (5)
Greenfield  (47)
Hardwick  (3)
Haydenville  (4)
Hinsdale  (2)
Holyoke  (120)
Keene  (158)
Leeds  (3)
Ludlow  (25)
Marlborough  (8)
Montague  (2)
Orange  (26)
Petersham  (2)
Plainfield  (1)
Putney  (10)
Royalston  (32)
Shutesbury  (3)
Spofford  (4)
Sunderland  (11)
Templeton  (4)
Townshend  (5)
Troy  (3)
Turners Falls  (14)
Vernon  (13)
Walpole  (6)
Ware  (18)
Wendell  (2)
West Halifax  (1)
West Swanzey  (1)
Westminster  (1)
Westmoreland  (2)
Whately  (21)
Whitingham  (1)
Williamsburg  (6)
Williamsville  (11)
Winchendon  (23)
Winchester  (6)

Retail Professionals in Massachusetts
